GULF WAR.. IM NOT A VET, BUT IM NOT O.K. WITH SEEING MY PALS IN THE GROUND IN ARLINGTON.. THEY DID THEIR JOB AND WERE COMING HOME.. I DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT AN IED (THINK THATS IT) WAS.. THEY DIDNT FEEL ANYTHING I WAS TOLD. I WENT TO D.C. WATCHED THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD, I CRIED hOPENING "I'm so proud of you guys" all the crosses on the dead grass in August.. THEY ALL DIED for me AND MY FAMILY. I'm so proud of ever man/woman who served 16 years later "I'm still thanking vets every chance I get" RIP to you all and God blesses his peaceful warriors☆☆☆☆☆ R.Estn in peace you "guys" and I waS your spotter long range "we werent the best" :)