I’m not a veteran, so I don’t have my own story to share. I do have a very passionate project of interviewing and preserving the stories of veterans though. I have interviewed 500+ to date. I believe we have all the facts and figures, but not nearly enough of the personal stories….which add a powerful dimension to these facts and figures. If you are a veteran, I urge you to tell your story, if for no other reason than for your family and future generations to know and have. There will be no greater gift you can give them. If you are a family member or friend of a veteran, ask them to share their story with you. There is no better way to show someone how much they mean to you than to ask them to tell their story. Not only will you and your family benefit from knowing your veteran’s story, but often times your veteran will benefit as well. I once got a call the next morning after an interview from a WWII veteran’s wife. She wanted to thank me for doing the interview, as she said the family never knew his story and they would cherish having it. She also wanted to tell me that last night was the first time in 60 years he had slept through the night. At the other end of the spectrum, another wife who had pushed her husband to tell his story called. He had told me before the interview that he really didn’t do anything or had much of a story. His wife said after he watched his interview, he walked around for days with his chest puffed out. Hopefully he realized that yes indeed, he had done something. All veterans have done something, and certainly have sacrificed something. Their stories must be told.
Brad HoopesWindsor, CO