The Veterans Administration Medical System, Boise, Idaho
Imagine "Peripheral Neuropathy", having no feeling in your feet, checked by a specialist and his answer when you ask "What can we do" he replies "I DON'T KNOW" and nothing further is done.
Imagine extremely sharp pain 2" above your heart, you are scared as "Hell", your doctor orders an MRI, they perform the MRI, 5&1/2 months have passed and you are not contacted with results.
Imagine losing a daughter, contacting your doctor and then state you need a increase in your medicine for increased chest pain and shortness of breath. The doctor states he doesn't feel comfortable giving out that medicine and to call Mental Health. You again explain your situation, she states she doesn't want to give the medicine anymore and says she is immediately stopping the medicine for you have for major chest pains.
Imagine getting a broken ankle. The ER doctor gets an ankle X-Ray and states it may be cracked. Weeks later, you have a follow-up with a Orthopedic PA. He wants an MRI. He finds ankle bone shaped like a hockey puck, between your foot and your two leg bones, is one-third destroyed and ask to have a specialist come in. The specialist reviews the MRI. You ask "What are we going to do?" he replies "I DON'T KNOW!" You never receive a reply. Later you have a appointment to get a knee scooter for mobility. You go to the VA, major construction going on for a "Hospitality House". There is absolutely "No Parking", after driving around for 25 minutes, so you park in a yellow-lined zone. You have to slowly hobble 82 yards with a cane, to the appointment. (NOTE: If you were to walk from off-site parking in a residential housing area, that adds another 207 yards.) Then you come out and find a ticket and then notice you have been in a hit-n-run. You refer the accident to the VA Director who says that you have to fill out a form. What, he doesn't have authority to make a decision? He's the "Boss!" I thought!!!!!!