I have a really good friend who recently was able to attend a Veterans honor flight. Prior to his trip and after his return I was able to speak with him quite a bit about his service. He is a Korean war vet and to talk with him he really did nothing special. I disagree, his service provided a safe place for me to raise a family in a wonderful country full of freedom and opportunity. I don't care if he was a decorated soldier or a cook at the base. When he enlisted, he did not know what roll he would play and he made the ultimate commitment by signing up. The turning point for me was seeing the humble attitude my friend has. I view him as a hero for putting his life on the line for my family. He does not see it that way, he had a responsibility to his country and simply did what he felt needed to be done. Recently I was approached by a Veterans charity to help them fund hunting, fishing, and outdoor opportunities to Veterans and active duty Military personnel. I continue to see this attitude with each and every Veteran I am exposed to through their organization. As a society now, I feel like some folks have lost touch with what it is that these folks do and have done for us. I feel like it is my obligation to the dept I owe these people for the freedoms they have ensured to each and everyone of us to do my part to give back to them. I run a small business and have made it a priority to give back to the ones who defended and continue to defend my freedoms. I think it is high time we the people give these folks the respect and admiration they deserve for the sacrifices they made and continue to make. Together we can show them that they are all true Hero's!
Travis FoxKahoka, MO