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My Teacher, Friend and Wife

My wife Joyce was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in November 2002. She went through surgery, hormone therapy, chemo and terrible side effects. Her cancer story ended in October 2008, when passed away with her family around her - but the story of her love, grace, and courage lives on.

We miss you and honor your memory every day.

Jeff Zarkin
Burke, VA

A wonderful mother, wife, nana, sister, and friend.

A wonderful mother, wife, nana, sister, and friend.

In 7 days it will be the 5 year mark that my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 31. It started out as a cyst then turned into a tumor that was cancerous and before they could catch it, it had spread to her lungs. She has underwent a lumpectomy and a mastectomy and Done numerous rounds of chemo. And to this day she is still fighting this horrible disease. She is a 5 year survivor and i am very proud to say she is my hero and inspiration. She has taught me to never take anything for granted cause at any given moment everything can be taken away from you. So love the life you live and live the life you love.

Coppell, TX

Lynn Wilson Bishop" A true champion among us"

Lynn Wilson Bishop" A true champion among us"

My Sister, Lynn Wilson Bishop. 8 years ago Lynn was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, after a masectomy, radiation,chemo and a long battle Lynn received a clean bill of health. A Breast Cancer Survivor!!!! 1 year ago Lynn's face began to twitch and she woke up with partial face paralysis. Metastatic breast cancer was sitting on the side of her brain leaving her with permanent damage and a hearing loss on one side. It has been one thing after another finding a little here and a little there resulting in 2 rounds of radiation and just starting round 2 of chemo. Somehow she continues to Fight and Fight and Fight. I remember when I was little how I thought I knew what a hero was, How wrong I was! Lynn Wilson Bishop, mother of 2 , Sister to 2 and Daughter to Virginia and Clarence, Friend to many and an inspiration to ALL.
MY HERO!!!!!

Stay Strong
Traci Wilson

Traci Wilson
Guyton, GA

My amazing mom and best friend

My mom has always been the glue that keeps our family together,always putting everyone elses needs ahead of her own.We were shocked when she told us she had found a lump in her breast and was going to have a mamogram,which led to an ultrasound and then a biopsy.She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer,but it had not spread to any lymph nodes.She immediately began chemo treatments.It was so hard watching her go through all of the pain,the nausea,being tired all of the time and mostly losing her hair.But through all of it she stayed so strong and was constantly encouraging us to have faith.She continued to work full time and rarely complained.She recently had a lumpectomy and is now undergoing radiation.We are so grateful of the outcome,but continue to pray for all of the many women out there batteling this terrible disease.With Mothers day approaching,this year more than ever I feel so completely blessed to have been given the gift of such a beautiful,strong and amazing mother.

Cincinnati, OH

I wish my mom was here....

I wish my mom was here....

I was wondering what I was going to do for the "BIG 40" which is this upcoming May 8th. However, a lump that I had neglected turned out to be Stage 3 Breast Cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. I was diagnosed on April 8th. I then had a port in, and the next day had my first round of Chemo. My next round is on May 12th, then I will be having a double mastectomy, and removing those lymph nodes, I will have expanders. Radiation is still a possibility. I have no family history of breast cancer. I did however, have a full hysterectomy 3 years ago, and was put on estrogen as a result. The Dr. informed me that I will loose all my hair, so I am shaving it this Friday. I laugh about the "new boobs". I guess is how I'm not crying all the time. They've taken me off my estrogen, so now I'm also going through menopause---WTH???? I'm quite a mess! I have no children, and am currently staying with my Dad so I won't be alone (my mom passed away 2 years ago). I try to smile, laugh and carry on as if nothing has changed, but at the end of the day, I know that this disease is in my body and eating away at my flesh. It doesn't discriminate, but it can kill. Sometimes I get so down, that I wonder if I should just give up the fight, but then there are days that I'm a warrior. I'm so tired already, it's only just begun. I know I have a long road ahead of me, I just hope the my Mom gives God a little push , so that I may have the strength to endure the journey.


My Lifelong Inspiration

My Lifelong Inspiration

My mom, Fran, has always had the most optimistic spirit and love of life. She is the rock of our family and sets such a great example of how to live your life to the fullest. She has participated in the senior olympics for 20 years and includes in her activites, tennis, basketball, softball and track. I often say if I could bottle that spirit and sell it, I would be a millionaire! Did I mention that my mom is 76?
Last year, mom whispered to me at my nephew's graduation that a small lump was found during her mammogram. It didn't even cross my mind that it could be cancer. The Dr. said wait 6 months and see if went away. She said check it now and they scheduled a biopsy but decided to remove it since it was could have blown us over with a feather when he said it was cancer. You know what her first question to the Dr. was? Can I still go the Senior Games nationals next month? She immediately scheduled to have margins and lymph nodes checked and all was clear. She went to the Nationals with her softball team less than 3 weeks later and then started radiation.
I am so proud of my mom and how she lives her life with such enthusiasm and hope and finds joy in the most simple things in life. She and dad are aways on the go and don't sit back and let the grass grow under their feet. I feel as if I must be the luckiest person on earth to have been blessed with her as my mom and best friend. Thank you God for my special mom. We know that breast cancer cannot and will not dampen her spirit.

Jackie Allison
Youngsville, NC

Heartache and triumph

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time as her sister. My aunt Mary was farther along and even with every treatment possible, she didn't make it. My mom flew across the country to take care of her during her illness, even while battling the same disease her sister was dying from.

Mom's selflessness, her courage & determination are examples I hope to live up to. Every day that she is cancer-free has been a blessing and she is my inspiration!

Hamilton, Canada

A very courageous Daughter

A very courageous Daughter

Up to this point I have only seen stories about mothers and their battles let me introduce you to my daughter. Teri has been fighting for her life for 7 years and her spirit is still strong. She was first diagnosed with stage 4 metastasized breast cancer at the age 36. Not even 2 years later, the cancer appeared in the bones of her spine and hips...from there, several months later, it showed up in her skull. Since then she has endured numerous surgeries, several radiations and of course Chemo, which she is still having once a week. Through all of this, she is raising the last of her 4 children without a husband .. they are 10 and 8. Her strength and bravery has been a source of amazement....she refuses to give up. ... her favorite thought...that helps her when she is down...Remember that you are not alone....God has not deserted you...if things get to be too much for you to handle...give them to God.
I love and I am extremely proud of daughter

Karenann Collins
Otis, OR

My Mom & now my Angel

My Mom & now my Angel

My Mom was and is the strongest lady I know. In October of 1997, my Mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She boldly decided, with family support, what treatment path to take. With a mastectomy & chemo under her belt she was on her way to recovery. If she ever worried that the cancer would matastisize, she never showed it. Then on February 11, 2004, my birthday, we were informed that her cancer had matastisized to her spine. It was treatable with chemo & radiation. My Mom was amazing. She never missed a beat. She got through her treatments with flying colors. With her pretty wig and make-up on you would never have guessed that she had such a hostile desease. In January of 2007 my Mom called to tell me that the cancer had spread to her liver. It was the last thing we wanted to hear. From January-October of that year, her battle was all up hill. She never once complained or asked "Why me?". She faught with such a quiet inner strength. Her faith in God never waivered. People with cancer have an inner peace & strength that draws you to them. A peace that only can be drawn from the Holy Spirit. On October 9, 2007 at 6:30am, my Mom surrendered to the battle she faught so hard to win. My Dad, sister & I were in her hospice room with her when she quietly slipped away. She died as she lived, with dignity and grace. I refuse to remember my Mom as a cancer patient, rather to honor the battle she so bravely faught. She was a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter & Best Friend. That is how I choose to remember my Mom. She was my Mom & now my Angel.

Stephanie O' Neal
Tomball, TX

My mom is the greatest

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer on her 57th birthday. She went through radiation and chemo and a radical mastectomy. Mom is a strong woman and does not let anything get her down. She is strong in her faith and also in the faith of her kids. Mom is now 67 years young and going strong as ever. Mom has set her two girls to getting mammograms every year so that if we had cancer it might be detected early. Also I do the click for mammograms every time I check my email. I want every woman to feel that this is an important issue.

mary norton
buffalo, NY