Lynn Wilson Bishop" A true champion among us"

My Sister, Lynn Wilson Bishop. 8 years ago Lynn was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, after a masectomy, radiation,chemo and a long battle Lynn received a clean bill of health. A Breast Cancer Survivor!!!! 1 year ago Lynn's face began to twitch and she woke up with partial face paralysis. Metastatic breast cancer was sitting on the side of her brain leaving her with permanent damage and a hearing loss on one side. It has been one thing after another finding a little here and a little there resulting in 2 rounds of radiation and just starting round 2 of chemo. Somehow she continues to Fight and Fight and Fight. I remember when I was little how I thought I knew what a hero was, How wrong I was! Lynn Wilson Bishop, mother of 2 , Sister to 2 and Daughter to Virginia and Clarence, Friend to many and an inspiration to ALL.
MY HERO!!!!!

Stay Strong
Traci Wilson

Traci Wilson
Guyton, GA