My Mom & now my Angel

My Mom was and is the strongest lady I know. In October of 1997, my Mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She boldly decided, with family support, what treatment path to take. With a mastectomy & chemo under her belt she was on her way to recovery. If she ever worried that the cancer would matastisize, she never showed it. Then on February 11, 2004, my birthday, we were informed that her cancer had matastisized to her spine. It was treatable with chemo & radiation. My Mom was amazing. She never missed a beat. She got through her treatments with flying colors. With her pretty wig and make-up on you would never have guessed that she had such a hostile desease. In January of 2007 my Mom called to tell me that the cancer had spread to her liver. It was the last thing we wanted to hear. From January-October of that year, her battle was all up hill. She never once complained or asked "Why me?". She faught with such a quiet inner strength. Her faith in God never waivered. People with cancer have an inner peace & strength that draws you to them. A peace that only can be drawn from the Holy Spirit. On October 9, 2007 at 6:30am, my Mom surrendered to the battle she faught so hard to win. My Dad, sister & I were in her hospice room with her when she quietly slipped away. She died as she lived, with dignity and grace. I refuse to remember my Mom as a cancer patient, rather to honor the battle she so bravely faught. She was a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter & Best Friend. That is how I choose to remember my Mom. She was my Mom & now my Angel.

Stephanie O' Neal
Tomball, TX