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Share your story with a community that supports our veterans, our troops, and one another.

My Dad says Good-bye

When I was in the 10th grade my Dad, uncle, and grandfather were being deployed to Afghanistan for a year. My Dad was having to leave early with four other guys to set up everything before the whole unit arrived. I was in the marching band with my school and we had a game the night he was scheduled to leave. He had promised that he would try to make it to my game but then later said that he couldn't make it. I was in tears bcause I was not able to see my Dad before he would leave. We arrive at the football game and we right after we play our fight song I turn around and my Dad is standing behind me in full uniform. I was so surprised! I hugged him and cried because I couldn't believe he was there! Then, as if on cue, the game announcer called my name along with my younger sister's name out pn the intercom saying that our Dad was here to see us before leavin fg for Afghanistan. The whole stadium erupted into a loud applause. Later I found out that it was also announced on the local radio station. It was the greatest surprise I believe I will ever experience in my life.

Katie Middlebrooks
McCalla, AL

my soldier

I meet my finance Kenneth online. We feel in love before we meet. He's in afgan 8 more wks & his mission is done. He has been in 10 yrs. When he comes home we are gonna get married.

Jennifer Jenner
lewiston, ID

High School Sweethearts

High School Sweethearts

One day he tells me, "I'm going into the Air Force", I said Ok, Well I'll be here when you get back. His senior year goes by along with my junior year and of course every couple has their struggles. Ups and downs. I was afraid that he might forget about me when he left for the military. The date that he's supposed to leave keeps getting closer and closer and I start falling more and more in love. A day without him is like a day without sunshine. August 24th rolls around. 2nd day of my senior year, today is the day he leaves. So he walks me to my class and kisses me. At this point my heart is pounding because I know he's going to leave for a long time.
I wrote him every single day, sent a picture with the letters. Did what I told him I would do. Graduate, Start college, save money, and be right there for him when he gets back.
I knew right then and there that he was the one; and so did he. He comes back from Tech School with a ring<3

Hampton, VA

The Gentle Giant

The Gentle Giant

Sgt. David W. Johnson was a very close friend of mine. Shortly after we met, he became a heroin addict. While just starting another attempt to get clean, living in a rehab halfway house in downtown Portland with a friend and fellow addict on his way to recovery, 9/11 occurred. It devastated him. He had been in the military before, fresh out of high school, but had quit. He didn't like to be controlled. After 9/11, he successfully kicked heroin, gained a substantial amount of weight and re-enlisted in the Oregon National Guard. He was originally deployed as a cook, but when they asked for some new gunners, he volunteered. In late September of '04, while delivering supplies to a camp outside of Baghdad, the Humvee he was traveling in, the last in the convoy, was blasted by and IED. Nearly everyone made it out with scrapes and bruises, except our beloved David. A substantial piece of shrapnel flew up and lodged up under the side of his helmet, killing him almost instantly. He went, fought, and died for us as a nation. I believe his story should be told across the nation he gave his life for. I'm glad to have found a place to share his story. Thank you.
With Love and Remembrance,
(I own no rights to the picture, if any exist)

Portland, OR

Why I Click

I click on this site every day in honor of my family members who served and my cousin and many friends who are serving our country. Someday they will be veterans too, and I would never want to see them hungry or homeless. One of my close friends who is a Marine was recently shot during deployment while protecting his fellow squad members. He will be okay, but he is one of the bravest people I know.

Huntsville, AL

Is this true?

I want to know if it is true that the VA is taking away the word GOD from Veterans funerals. I don't think it's too much to ask considering my uncle gave his life in Vietnam. I am outraged at the VA so I suppose I will never know if this is the truth or not because I doubt that this site will even print this. Shame on you VA if this is true! How dare you? Answer me, if only in an e-mail.

Theresa Lee

Wounded by the West LA VA Medical Center

I went to West LA VA for an angiogram Feb 2011. Two weeks later a pacemaker was installed. During the pacemaker install I was yelled at to shut up and lie still as I felt 5 distinct cuts from my left shoulder to my neck. In July, I saw a local Dr. Rothschild who replaced 4 of the 5 stents the VA put in, put in another stent the VA completely missed and repaired an artery that the VA destroyed. Since Dr. Rothschild worked on me I have not needed the pacemaker. Janet Han was the butcher in charge of the pacemaker install.

Timothy A. Riley
Oxnard, CA

A Childhood Dream

When I was a child, I put military jet models together and it was my dream to work on commercial or military planes. I went into the Air Force and found myself working on F-4s and F-16s. Traveling almost the world and after my exit of the service wound up working on commercial jet engines. I also got two back seat rides in theh F-4. Was an honor to work on the jets and serve with Pride. I have 27 years aviation. All this started and a dream fulfilled. I am thankful to my father which was in the Army and fought in the Vietnam/ Korean war. He set an example to us and I miss him and I miss being in the service.I served from 1977-1986. Ssgt USAF Stephan Rea Richardson Sr.

Stephan R Richardson
Columbus, GA

wounded vets run

wounded vets run

Over 1200 motorcycles left from harley davidson in Everett Mass. on a 30 mile bike run through surrounding towns and ending at East Boston,Mass..V.F.W. post 6. The bikes stretched out for a mile and a half and took over 45 minutes to pass.Police escorted all the way.These BIKERS raised over $65,000.00 dollars to renovate the homes of 21 year old Marine Cpl. Evan Reichenthal, who was severly wounded in Afghanistan and lost one leg and the use of his right arm,and fellow Marine Cpl.Gregg Caron,who lost both his legs in the same theater of war.
I was honored to take part in this bike run for these brave young men.I currently have a son serving as a first class petty officer in the Navy.I am proud of all the young men and woman in the Armed forces who keep America free.

Dave Cowhig Sr.
revere, MA


Years ago I went to the VA in need of medical help, since I am a medically discharged Veteran. I didn't get the help I thought I should have gotten. Over the years I have just dealt with having medical insurance and just delt with regular Dr.s. and have stayed away from dealing with the VA. Well, I have come full circle in hopes that the VA has changed since the early 90's. In 2008 I was diagnoised with Cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma). In 2009 a man tried to crush me between two vehicles, in which broke my right leg in 6 places, caused catastophic soft tissue damage to both legs, loss of memory, head and neck injuries, and a cracked rib. The Dr.'s had to stop treating the Cancer so my body would be able to heal the injuries from the wreck. While all this was going on I had insurance, but now I am unable to work which leaves me with no insurance. My wife is disabled as well, and we are very close to being homeless now! Our landlord has been kind to us, but is unable to continue his kindness unless he can get back rent and utilities owed. I am in need of getting tests done and possible continued treatment for Cancer. I tried to get back in touch with the VA to see if I can get any help anywhere, but yet again I got the run around. The closest hospital is right near 100 miles from me with no way to get there. I've tried getting in touch with local Vet rep. but his line is a non-stop busy signal, so I've tried calling numbers that are posted on VA website with no avail. Hopefully this will get to the right people to help us.

Hugo, CO