Years ago I went to the VA in need of medical help, since I am a medically discharged Veteran. I didn't get the help I thought I should have gotten. Over the years I have just dealt with having medical insurance and just delt with regular Dr.s. and have stayed away from dealing with the VA. Well, I have come full circle in hopes that the VA has changed since the early 90's. In 2008 I was diagnoised with Cancer (Rhabdomyosarcoma). In 2009 a man tried to crush me between two vehicles, in which broke my right leg in 6 places, caused catastophic soft tissue damage to both legs, loss of memory, head and neck injuries, and a cracked rib. The Dr.'s had to stop treating the Cancer so my body would be able to heal the injuries from the wreck. While all this was going on I had insurance, but now I am unable to work which leaves me with no insurance. My wife is disabled as well, and we are very close to being homeless now! Our landlord has been kind to us, but is unable to continue his kindness unless he can get back rent and utilities owed. I am in need of getting tests done and possible continued treatment for Cancer. I tried to get back in touch with the VA to see if I can get any help anywhere, but yet again I got the run around. The closest hospital is right near 100 miles from me with no way to get there. I've tried getting in touch with local Vet rep. but his line is a non-stop busy signal, so I've tried calling numbers that are posted on VA website with no avail. Hopefully this will get to the right people to help us.

Hugo, CO