My Dad says Good-bye

When I was in the 10th grade my Dad, uncle, and grandfather were being deployed to Afghanistan for a year. My Dad was having to leave early with four other guys to set up everything before the whole unit arrived. I was in the marching band with my school and we had a game the night he was scheduled to leave. He had promised that he would try to make it to my game but then later said that he couldn't make it. I was in tears bcause I was not able to see my Dad before he would leave. We arrive at the football game and we right after we play our fight song I turn around and my Dad is standing behind me in full uniform. I was so surprised! I hugged him and cried because I couldn't believe he was there! Then, as if on cue, the game announcer called my name along with my younger sister's name out pn the intercom saying that our Dad was here to see us before leavin fg for Afghanistan. The whole stadium erupted into a loud applause. Later I found out that it was also announced on the local radio station. It was the greatest surprise I believe I will ever experience in my life.

Katie Middlebrooks
McCalla, AL