IDF vet
in age of 16 i join military academy study about Israeli tank tech and systems after that i recruit to IDF (Israel defense force) for 3 years and stayed after 3 years due to war that broke up Yom kippur war I sow myself few times in a sure death , i was in Lebanon for few military operations and Lebanon war 2 (2006) stand by , I am still a soldier in heart and soul the training and disciplined we get follows you for the rest of your life , I was near 5 years in IDF service which it stay with me mentally and spiritually , military life and culture is in my blood just like any other IDF soldier in active service or a vet , we commit our self and swear from early age to defend and protect the holy land because we have only one land no other and we must protect it , and that commitment follows us for the rest of our life if it is in the service or out in regular life of uniforms is like a stamp in our heart that never wears out
I support Israel and salute to the brave man and woman in uniform of the IDF and US Troops