My youngest son Matt has always wanted to join the Army since he was little. His dream finally came true when he passed MEPS during the Christmas season and he's only 17. I'll never forget the day his recruiters came to my house with paperwork for me to sign him over to them since he wasn't 18 years old yet. It didn't hit me until later the impact of signing those papers had on me. He'll graduate high school in June and then he'll be heading to Ft. Benning for his basic training. He was so excited when he took the oath at MEPS; he has already memorized the Soldier's Creed and has recited it several times. I know when I see him graduate basic I will see a different person and I will most likely cry like a baby because he'll be a man prepared to fight for his country and even die for it so we can all still enjoy our freedom. Do I want him to go? No, but I am proud he has chosen this path and that in his heart this is something he wants to do. I will worry like all mothers do, but I also know that he's in God's hands and I will pray for him every single day he is gone serving his Country.
Cindy Von FlueFresno, CA