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Fighting for my kids.

Fighting for my kids.

I was pregnant with my 2nd child. My daughter. I noticed a lump on my left breast. My Dr was thinking it might be cancerous after doing an ultrasound.

At the age of 27 years old gave birth to my 2nd baby on June 12, 2012. I was diagnosed June 13th of 2012 of stage 4 breast cancer. I was devastated, crying. I had no one there at the hospital with me. No family was there to comfort me. Telling me everything will be okay. My daughter was my miracle baby. My Dr told me in the future I probably won't be able to have kids again. So today I'm fighting for my kids. My son turning 6 May 19th 2014 and my daughter turning 2 June 12th. My babies. Nothing will stop me. Everyday, as hard it can be I get stronger everyday. Love them to death. I will fight everyday until I kick this cancer out of me.

Soupany Soraseun
Lynn, MA

Unknown Fears of Doctors

AnizinMy story started March 2012. My husband suggested since I was no longer working that it was time for me to get my women's examinations done that I had been putting off for quite sometime because my fear of doctors. I had a car accident in 1984 and had gone to a series of doctors whom told me I'll heal in time and sent me on my way.
So I made my Mammogram appointment along with a CT Scan for my spine. That CT scan found a spot on my kidney(tumor) and a series of mammagrams would show a small tumor on the right breast. So there was that C word I always dreaded hearing. I had two Cancers. I went numb all over. Who was going to take care of my husband whom has PTSD. I'm his caregiver! Here comes the doctors appointments and biopsies (two) to see what stage( mine was one). Scheduled for surgery ( both breast & kidney) done at the same time. Since my cancers were on the borderline I only have to take a hormone pill everyday for five years. I'm almost two years cancer free June 5, 2014. Thanks to my Doctor's at the Miami VA. Since February 20, 2014 i've had my reconstruction of my right breast and lift for the left breast. I feel like a women again !!!!!! Sincerely, Linda S. Jensen.

Linda Jensen
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Newly diagnosed

I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with stage 1 IDC. Tumor less than .5 cm and ER/PR positive. Having lumpectomy this Thursday. Praying for negative lymph node status in hopes of avoiding chemo but if outcome is positive I plan to have Oncotype DX test done. Will definitely be doing radiation for approximately 5-7 weeks but I think I can handle that. I currently live in West Virginia and prior to my diagnosis my husband and I were getting ready to put our house on the market so we could move to Georgia to be closer to our new granddaughter. I think I am more upset about having to put those plans on hold than I am about the cancer. But I will get through this and we will make it to Georgia eventually!!

St Albans, WV

My road to happiness

My road to happiness

I was diagnosed right before my 36th birthday. I was already angry at how life was going and missing my Dad, but when I was diagnosed something wonderful happened. Sounds weird I know. I stopped to look at what I did have and realized that my husband and son and family and friends were worth being positive for. The support they gave me after my surgery and the fact that we all skipped down the hall when I was told no chemo, well it has been and continues to be humbling and beautiful.

Springhill, FL

The Key is Early Detection

The Key is Early Detection

Hi everyone,

I was 42, had a busy life studying, and being a mum to two young men. I was three years away from getting annual mammograms. I felt a big lump in my right breast and went to the doctors to check it out. Long story short, it was okay but after having every biopsy available I think after finding other lumps and bumps to be concerned about. I had a exploration surgery to see what was happening in November 2012.

The results of that surgery were I had cancer dcis, non invasive. I think those three words, "You have cancer", changed my life forever. It was hard telling people my bad news. I found out who my real friends were through this experience. I had to create a new normal and get on with life as best I could.

I was really lucky I didn't need chemo and radiation. I opted for a reconstruction and mastectomy in the same operation in Feb 2013. I took off six months from studying and fought the fight against cancer. I spent time with my family.

Looking back, these are a couple of things that got me through, have a purpose for surviving (mine were my kids), wanting to grow old and see them grow up, and doing whatever you can to keep yourself well. I regularly had pyjama days with my favourite movies and junk food to take time out. Get a great support group around you, it helps a lot.

I have finished all my surgeries including my reconstructive ones and now to annual checks. I am so grateful to have survived. My message to everyone, if you find anything of concern, get it checked out as soon as possible. I think early detection is important.

Ruth Merriman
Hamilton, New Zealand

God with me

7 yrs. ago, at bedtime for 3 nights, I felt sharp pain in left breast. 3rd night I felt the lump. Was told it was a fibroid cyst. Had a biopsy and I was scared to death. Prayed for God to be with me, please! In a cold room, bare chested, with my left arm above my head, just as the Dr. was to start the biopsy, I felt pressure and then warmth spread from my hand and then throughout my body. I was relaxed. When told I had cancer, God gave me this scripture and I share it with you: 1 Peter 5: 10. I felt the warmth of God thru 4 surgeries in less than 6 months! Throughout the chemo, I did not suffer any nausea, or fevers. I was in the church choir and never missed a Sunday. I am so grateful for the wonderful Oncologists I had. They shrank a tumor the size of a golf ball to the size of a pea! I'm sharing this scripture with you, to share with others. It brought me through all the chemo's, surgeries and radiation treatments (didn't get any redness).I was very fortunate, I know. And I am so grateful. Be brave, laugh much and share your story. It will give hope to anyone who is newly diagnosed!!!

Piqua, OH



In April of 2011 at the age of 30 I was diagnosed with stage 2b triple negative breast cancer with 3 lymphnodes testing positive. I opt to have a double mastectomy, reconstruction, 16 rounds of ACT and 28 sessions of radiation. I am still in the final stages of my reconstruction.
While I was printing 300 breast cancer books I read how to do your own examine. I did my examine and found the lump on my right breast but wasn't alarmed because of my age, health and no history of breast cancer in my family. I made a appointment with my doctor who ordered the ultra sound and biopsy. A few days later I heard the dreadful words "you have cancer". If it wasn't for the books and quick response from my medical team I wouldn't be alive. Please do your self examines!
I am a mother of 5 beautiful kids 1 in heaven and they are my reason for fighting, not giving up and keeping positive. I am happy to say I am 2 years cancer free and still going strong!

Deidra Carlyle
Maricopa, AZ

God's Guidance

God's Guidance

I'd been called back for rechecks before after mammograms, so I wasn't worried when I got that call in October 2013. But my husband was. He was leaving for a two week mission trip in Eastern Europe. I was sure it was nothing and encouraged him to go. It would be fine.
He left in the morning and that afternoon I went for my recheck. They did a mammogram of my right breast. Then an ultrasound. The radiologist came in to talk to me. They had found first one spot and then another during the ultrasound. She wanted to do a biopsy.
After trying without success to reach my husband, I decided to go ahead with the biopsy. I needed to know. My mom faithfully waited for me during the procedure. She knew firsthand what I was going through. She is a breast cancer survivor.
As soon as I walked into the waiting room after the biopsy, I got an email from my husband! He was finally in a place where I could reach him! Not until then did I fall apart. When we talked, we agreed that we would use "Face Time" for the appointment when I would get the results.
That is when I found out: stage one invasive ductal carcinoma. The doctor wanted to do an MRI to be sure there were no other spots of concern. We were pleased that no more cancer was found in either breast.
I was so thankful when my husband got home and we could prayerfully make some decisions. Because of my family history, I chose to have bilateral mastectomies. I prayed for God to guide me, so after making this decision I felt at peace with it. On the morning of my surgery, the nurse who checked me in even commented that I seemed so peaceful.
Later we went for a follow up visit with the surgeon. The final pathology showed stage one cancer in the LEFT breast also! I'm so thankful for God's guidance!

Joyce Petersen
North Mankato, MN

Men get breast cancer too!

Men get breast cancer too!

I wanted to write and tell you about my boyfriends battle with breast cancer..YES...I said boyfriend.. He had a total bilateral mastectomy a year and half ago. So far everything has checked ok, but I'd really like to make a spot for a little more awareness that MEN GET BREAST CANCER TOO! If you find a bump, don't brush it off, and don't feel embarrassed to have it checked out. Breast cancer in men moves extremely fast! Help bring awareness that we all can be affected by this horrible cancer!
Thank You

Shelley Stanley for Scott Engebretson
CastleRock, CO

Cancer messed with the wrong woman!

Cancer messed with the wrong woman!

My name is Carla Braga, I am a 45 year old mother, grandmother and a Zumba Instructor. I am originally from Brazil and moved to the USA 10 years ago. Throughout my life, I have overcome many challenges and achieved amazing things. I've raised 2 incredible men, became a successful journalist and University professor. I have also won many fights as a jiu-jiisu fighter.
On January 7th of 2014, I started the biggest fight of my life, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 2B, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. The words: "you have cancer" were devastating, my world was turned upside down and I could not believe this was happening. I was sad... I was angry! How could this be happening to me? I am healthy, active and have no history of cancer in my family!! When I found out my anger was coming from fear, I realized that I had to face it, instead, I filled my heart with love and I was strong again!! I am very blessed to have an amazing support group of friends and an incredible family that help me to stay strong everyday!
Cancer is complex, it is brutal, it can attack anyone, anywhere, at anytime!
As a fighter, I know that the best way to win a fight is, to first, know my opponent, as a Zumba instructor, it is imperative that I have a smile on my face every time I step on the stage, and right now, my life is my stage!
These are my weapons of choice: Knowledge, Positive Attitude and a Healthy lifestyle!
I never started a fight in my life, but I have ended every single one of them!
I am positive, I am educated, I am empowered and I will win!

Carla Braga
Port Orange, FL