God's Guidance

I'd been called back for rechecks before after mammograms, so I wasn't worried when I got that call in October 2013. But my husband was. He was leaving for a two week mission trip in Eastern Europe. I was sure it was nothing and encouraged him to go. It would be fine.
He left in the morning and that afternoon I went for my recheck. They did a mammogram of my right breast. Then an ultrasound. The radiologist came in to talk to me. They had found first one spot and then another during the ultrasound. She wanted to do a biopsy.
After trying without success to reach my husband, I decided to go ahead with the biopsy. I needed to know. My mom faithfully waited for me during the procedure. She knew firsthand what I was going through. She is a breast cancer survivor.
As soon as I walked into the waiting room after the biopsy, I got an email from my husband! He was finally in a place where I could reach him! Not until then did I fall apart. When we talked, we agreed that we would use "Face Time" for the appointment when I would get the results.
That is when I found out: stage one invasive ductal carcinoma. The doctor wanted to do an MRI to be sure there were no other spots of concern. We were pleased that no more cancer was found in either breast.
I was so thankful when my husband got home and we could prayerfully make some decisions. Because of my family history, I chose to have bilateral mastectomies. I prayed for God to guide me, so after making this decision I felt at peace with it. On the morning of my surgery, the nurse who checked me in even commented that I seemed so peaceful.
Later we went for a follow up visit with the surgeon. The final pathology showed stage one cancer in the LEFT breast also! I'm so thankful for God's guidance!

Joyce Petersen
North Mankato, MN