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Normal mammograms + normal breast ultrasounds + lumpy feeling = my breast cancer diagnosis

Normal mammograms + normal breast ultrasounds + lumpy feeling = my breast cancer diagnosis

I am a 42 year old mother blessed with 3 sons and a wonderful, supportive husband. I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 3/12/14. Exactly 3 months ago like today - on 4/16/14 - I had surgery for a bilateral mastectomy with same day breast reconstruction. I still need 2 surgeries to complete the process. My surgery was a success and I am now breast cancer free! My oncologist did not recommend chemotherapy or radiation, but I did start hormone therapy (Tamoxifen and Lupron). I am sharing my story to let others know that sometimes routine mammograms and breast ultrasounds will not detect breast cancer, especially when breast tissue is dense. This is what happened to me. On 4/30/13, my ob/gyn did a thorough breast exam at my yearly check up and everything felt normal. I felt something different on my left breast around August/September 2013 and I went for a mammogram and breast ultrasound on 9/18/13. All results were normal. However, I was still concerned and followed up with my ob/gyn. She sent me for further testing and, again, results were normal. She advised I take all of my results to a breast surgeon, who ultimately diagnosed me. From the start, my breast surgeon said that my biopsy results were favorable and that I will be fine. He recommended a mastectomy of the left breast. I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy because my mother is a 15-year breast cancer survivor, my breasts were dense, and the mammograms and breast ultrasounds did not detect my cancer. My BRCA 1 & BRCA 2 results were negative. Please check your breasts regularly and see a doctor if anything seems abnormal. Don't doubt your instincts. I now understand how important early detection is. It can save lives. I am a lucky girl!

Lisa Stabile Kruger
Glendale, NY

I will not give up

Hi my name is Lidiya I'm 42 years old. Two and half years ago I had granulosa cell tumor of the right ovary. Removed the ovary and I didn't need to do therapy . 4 weeks ago I took my daughter to the doctor she had a flu and my doctor said to me you are here let's check your breast we haven't check for a year. So he did and the next day ultrasound and mammogram and after I was send for biopsy. Results Lobular carcinoma on the right breast stage2. Week after double mastectomy with reconstruction. All went good. Tomorrow I'm seeing a specialist to talk about tablets that I will take for 5 years and maybe chemo. So god bless all of us and I know that we are all-strong women and we will fight this battle till the end. Never give up

Lidiya Popova
Sydney, Australia

strongest link

My mother, Carol Criswell, loved sports, Bobby Knight, she was a great mother and cook. She and my father raised eight children. I know that many times my mother and father would go without to provide for us. She was a breast cancer survivor of twenty years. She was the strongest link in our family. I can remember my mother crying only once saying how she wish she didnt have to wear her prosthesis. She and my father never talked about my mother's illness. I guess that was just part of their generation (private). One night while sleeping, my mother was woken by a large amount of fluid that had escaped thru her incision in her stomach. Her cancer has spread. I cant imagine how frightened they were not knowing what was happening. The last time she was taken to the hospital i knew that she would not be coming home. My father never left her side. He slept by her side every night during her stay in the hospital and when at home. He only left her alone long enuff to get her food or meds. My mother layed on her back in bed with my dad right by her side for three years. Its been seven years since she has passed. I miss her so. There is an emptiness in our lives that can never be filled. She has gone home to be with the Lord.

Deedee Finney
indianapolis, IN



I was diagnosed in August 2011 with DCIS, Stage 2 ER/PR Positive. My doctors and surgeons informed me this was an early stage, easy to beat diagnosis. However I had already lost 2 amazing sister-in-laws to this disease so we were devastated when we heard the news. I religiously went for my mammogram every year and having no history in my family I never worried. Luckily the mammogram picked up on a suspicious area and after the biopsy I got the news.

This was difficult news to break to both sides of the family because each side of the family had lost a person from breast cancer. The first few weeks were foggy to me - meeting doctors, MRIs, biopsies, and coming up with a plan of action. Working everyday helped because it was a distraction to me. However it was those alone moments that consumed me - driving in the car, a certain song on the radio, crying uncontrollably in the shower so no one would hear me, and life reflections.

My husband and 11-year old son were my strength. They kept encouraging me that everything would be fine. Once the date was set for my lumpectomy I finally had clarity and decided this would not consume me!! I had a lumpectomy with no node involvement (thank God). I only missed 4 days of work and then decided to get my life back on track.

I did require 6 weeks of radiation which went by without a hitch and I never experienced any fatigue or other side effects. When radiation was completed my husband and son took me on a trip to the mountains to regain my composure and vitality.

I now give back by volunteering for the local American Cancer Society in their Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in our community. Last year I was chosen to be the Survivor Spokesperson for the event. I have been asked by ACS to give Survivor speeches at a few events and that is rewarding to me - giving others hope!

Colleen Ryan-Ryan
Orland Park, IL

My Inspiration - My Mom and My Best Friend

My Inspiration - My Mom and My Best Friend

My Mother, Margaret “Peg” Stanton, was truly an inspiration to many. Peg was a school teacher for 35 years, however outside of the classroom she taught many the value of friendship, strength, and courage. Peg's life was a series of lessons to her beloved children, to her devoted husband, to her numerous friends and family and to herself. Her classroom was never confined to 4 walls as she taught many to "think outside of the box". In 1999, Peg was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of breast cancer, Inflammatory Breast Cancer, or IBC. Her treatments included a radical mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and a grueling bone marrow stem cell transplant. Peg tried chemo after chemo, but to no avail, the cancer kept spreading. She faced head on each treatment option and never questioned why she was chosen to suffer. Instead she began a journey to help her find an inner peace. In Sedona, Arizona, a butterfly landed on her shoulder and became her "symbol". Peg found many correlations between herself and the butterfly, so fragile yet so strong at the same time. During her journey she started writing poetry to help her make sense of it all and of her life. She hoped that her poems would inspire others experiencing this same struggle. As one of her final wishes I published a book of her poems after she passed. Peg lost her battle on January 23, 2005. Here is part of one of my favorite Poems entitled The Butterfly Is Me (Which is also what I titled her book). Wrapped in the chrysalis safe and warm, There is a life being nurtured, about to transform. Wintering away on the branch of a tree, A miracle of nature is waiting for me. She was a true inspiration!

Kris Mellinger
Indiana, PA

telling niece Kim about my cancer I wastold I had

my niece Kim was 5 years old when I was told I had breast cancer stage two she is now in her 40's she asked me at that time what happened to my right breast since I really didn't know what to say to her at that time I just told her my breast was being bad so I had it removed. the day of my surgery to have my right breast removed my niece Kim came to see me and bought me a stuffed cat which I named Lucy.

Donna Schiro
Merryville, LA


I had breast cancer in 2012, in remission now. My advice is positivity 100%...keep telling yourself it won't beat me...and then the light at the end of the tunnel will appear and you like me will have kicked cancers butt ! I had chemotherapy and when my hair started to fall out I had a sponsored headshave and raised £1000 for breast cancer. .I also sent away my hair to make wigs for children with cancer. I had a mastectomy in September 2012 with immediate reconstruction I was very living life to the full x

west yorkshire, United Kingdom

Kicking Butt and Surviving at 36

Kicking Butt and Surviving at 36

On February 27, 2014 I received the call from my doctor that literally changed my life. My biopsy results were in- you have Breast Cancer. At that moment it was like someone had punched me in the gut and I fell to the floor crying. I kept saying " it can't be. I'm 36, I'm healthy, and there's no family history. How can this be"? I gathered up enough strength to call my mom and my aunt to tell the news.
As I was on the phone with my aunt, she (in her calmest voice) reminded me of the mighty God we serve and our faith in Him. Upon that moment I began up feel strength build up inside of me that I never knew I had. I was ready to fight! I began chemo shortly after I had my eggs frozen through a fertility specialist because as a single woman, my greatest desire is up become a wife and mom somebody.
I give credit all to God because my chemo rounds were not as bad. The support I received from family and friends was overwhelming! I knew it was faith in Him that kept me going. I was kicking this cancer's butt!! As I prepare for my lumpectomy, I know I'm going to be ok. I AM A SURVIVOR!!

Vatesha Bouler
Laurel, MD

Fight on Warrors! Celebrating 11 years cancer free!

Fight on Warrors! Celebrating 11 years cancer free!

I was 41, diagnosed with breast cancer. I was shocked having no breast cancer in my family. Lumpectomy and lymph nodes, 4 months of chemo, 33 visits of radiation and a 7 year regiment of drugs, and a hysterectomy. My toughest battle would come later in the year, I lost my husband of 19 years to suicide. Mary Babb tended to me during the worst time in my life. Ladies I can tell you that having a good team is so very important. They not only tend to your physical needs, a good team sees that you get any additional help, in my case therapy. I can tell you it wasn't easy, but I will tell you that I fought the fight and raised two beautiful children during that time, my son, who was 10 and my daughter 13. I can tell you that it is as much a family disease as well as a personal one I remember losing my hair and the first big haircut I got, which I might add, I swore I'd never be strong enough to do was very emotional for me, as the hair fell into my lap, I relived losing my hair. I remembered feeling like an "it", during that time. I remember laying in the pet scans. What got me through, was my conversations with God. That brought me peace. Ladies when you are in the thick of it, remember its the hard battles that make you into the person who can reach out and help others. While tears fill my eyes and my heart swells with emotion typing this, while it brings sadness because I miss my husband terribly everyday, it also has taught me strength. You can do this. You can fight. You can become stronger when you feel like you can't go on. You are beautiful, when you feel like an "it"! You are a survivor. I am you and you are me. I carry you in my heart fellow survivors, ones fighting the battle, my team, Dr. Abraham, my family, my friends and my God. Fight on warriors!!!!!

Salem, WV

Mom's cancer, our Battle.<3

Mom's cancer, our Battle.<3

Early May we got the dreadful news it was cancer. My mom has been my hero and inspiration my whole life and now she is more than ever. I have never in my life met a woman as strong as she is, i hope one day i am half as strong as she is. Her name is Cindy Beyer and she has raised my sister and as a single parent for the last 16 years, now it is just mom and i living at home so i take care of her when she isn't feeling well. I do my best to do what ever i can to help in any way possible for my mom. When i found out mom had cancer and was going to go through Chemo treatments i knew i had to do something to make sure to keep her spirits high through this battle. That something turned out to be miss Harmony, the kitten i got for mom for comfort and to watch her grow play and learn. Mom and Harmony take naps everyday together and not a day goes by that Harmony fails to make us smile and bring our spirits and hopes up. Just remember every woman out their fighting their own battle, Chemo pains are temporary, so is cancer. Hope, love, and family are forever.<3

Kaylee Frazer
plover, WI