Kicking Butt and Surviving at 36

On February 27, 2014 I received the call from my doctor that literally changed my life. My biopsy results were in- you have Breast Cancer. At that moment it was like someone had punched me in the gut and I fell to the floor crying. I kept saying " it can't be. I'm 36, I'm healthy, and there's no family history. How can this be"? I gathered up enough strength to call my mom and my aunt to tell the news.
As I was on the phone with my aunt, she (in her calmest voice) reminded me of the mighty God we serve and our faith in Him. Upon that moment I began up feel strength build up inside of me that I never knew I had. I was ready to fight! I began chemo shortly after I had my eggs frozen through a fertility specialist because as a single woman, my greatest desire is up become a wife and mom somebody.
I give credit all to God because my chemo rounds were not as bad. The support I received from family and friends was overwhelming! I knew it was faith in Him that kept me going. I was kicking this cancer's butt!! As I prepare for my lumpectomy, I know I'm going to be ok. I AM A SURVIVOR!!

Vatesha Bouler
Laurel, MD