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3 time survivor

3 time survivor

I had breast cancer in 2011.. Had surgery in November. Started chemo February 2012. Ended up having a serious infection...and having several drains put in...they Stopped working..was admitted in the hospital for 4 more days? Then again in July 2012. Same thing..more surgery..more drains..unfortunately doctor didn't get it all and I had more surgery in August 2012. By November 2012 I was doing laundry and had a seizure. I was then diagnosed with brain cancer. Had a 1.4 cm tumor on my motor whole right side was parallized for 4 months..lost my hair twice..was very sick from chemo..and burned from radiation...but I am cancer free right is august 9 2014. Miricales do happen. Have faith, laugh a lot, be around positive people...believe in god ..he helped me through it. Just keep the faith ..pray may Not believe in god so pray how ever and to whoever you need to....I had a close friend..her name was Virginia..we called her Ginny...she had ovarian cancer the same time I had cancer...she passed in September 2013...she didn't believe in miricales ...I know I am blessed ...thank you for letting me share my story...with prayer...lynda

Lynda Dewinde
Lancaster, CA


I was diagnosed with breast cancer, estrogen + and HER2Nu +, for my birthday in February 2010. Here are some prescriptions that I received that I know can help anyone on his / her cancer journey:

1. FAITH - can't have enough of that. He will be with you and will carry you when you can't find the strength to stand on your own. Romans 15:13.

2. ATTITUDE / LIVE FOR TODAY - We never know when or how we will die, but we can choose how to live. Attitude is such a positive.

3. SLEEP - don't fight it. As we sleep, we are healing.


There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed that she had only three hairs on her head. "Well, I think I'll braid my hair today." She did and had a wonderful day.

The next day, she saw that she had only two hairs and said, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today." She did and had a grand day.

The next day, she noticed that she had only one hair and said, "I'm going to wear a pony tail today." She did and had a fun day.

The next day she didn't have a hair on her head. She said, "Yippeeee--I don't have to fix my hair today."

Then she put on her Sparkle Cap, went to town and wowed everyone!

5. PRAYER - Prayer is the key to the morning and the bolt on the door at night.

It is not an easy journey, and each one of has to find our way, but we are NOT alone. On my journey, I started The Sparkle Caps Project (on FB), so that God could use me to help other women coming behind me. We have helped over 900 women and 4 men in less than 4 years.

Susan "Victorious"
Sumter, SC

Life Begins Again

Life Begins Again

On February 21, 2013 at age 43 I heard those dreaded words, you have cancer. For me, it came as no surprise. Although I religiously got my yearly mammogram, I missed the last one. As another hectic school year began, my daughter entered her freshman year and my son his sophomore year. For some reason I missed my September appointment. In January 2013, as I was showering, I felt something in my right breast. Suddenly, I heard my grandmother, who passed away with breast and lymph node cancer, say, “make your appointment, its cancer, it will be okay.” Immediately I made an appointment and was diagnosed with cancer in my right breast. After several tests, 4 days later, I was diagnosed with cancer in my left breast as well. This diagnosis made my decision easier. I would have a bilateral mastectomy which I did on March 1.

I was determined to not let cancer define me, I would define it. Five weeks after surgery, I returned to teaching and jogging. I continued working even during my chemo treatments. I was even able to run two 5Ks during chemo. I am not going to lie, chemo sucked. I even thought I was going to die after my first chemo as I felt like my body was burning from the inside out. I even got hand, foot, mouth disease from chemo.

I believe that my cancer has been harder on my family than me. The most difficult thing was actually telling my children. Even though I have assured my daughter that I don’t carry the gene, I know she worries about her future, as well as me.

I know that my journey will continue over the next year 10 years with oncology appointments and tamoxifen, but I am at peace with it. I am blessed with an incredible family, friends, and exceptional doctors. My daughter once told me, “You don’t act like you have cancer.” The truth of the matter is, I have never worried about it because I know I have a guardian angel watching over me = love you grandma!

Monica Shrader
Orrville, OH

I will conquer!

I am 29 years old and was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in June 2014. Within 3 weeks I had a mastectomy and I start chemo next week. Everything still seems so surreal. I am scared daily of my future and the future of my family.
I have an amazing fiancee and a beautiful five year old daughter. They are the reasons I get out of bed in the morning. My mom is also my biggest fan and supporter and I couldnt get through this hurdle in my life without these three people. I still find it very hard to look at myself in the mirror but I truly believe that with every day that goes by, I am getting stronger and I will become a better person, wife and mother.
There are days where I am so angry and wondered what Ive done to deserve this but I know its because I can conquer and Im so proud to be a survivor of this vicious disease. I am also so grateful for the people in my life having so much faith in me and giving me every ounce of strength to make it through some days.
The one thing I have learned and am very proud of is how much inner strength I really do have. And that I am not alone. We are beautiful!

Melissa S.
Sylvan Lake, Canada

5 year celebration

5 year celebration

I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in August of 2009 at the age of 31. It had spread to my lymph nodes. I did both chemo and radiation. It's now been 5 years and have had no recurrence. I have never felt the same though. I am very nervous of it coming back. I'm now 36 and going to celebrate my 5 years. Please pray it does not come back.
Thank you

Windsor, Canada

Breast Cancer Survival

I am a Breast cancer survivor of 21 years! I was 40 when I had to have a double mastectomy and thanks to God and M.D. Anderson I am still alive today. There is hope for each woman diagnosed with breast cancer!! I wish all who are going through this or have family or friend who is going through this, my prayers.

Houston, TX

Never Procrastinate

Never Procrastinate

At an early age my grandmother passed from breast cancer. Following the death of my grandmother her daughter, my aunt passed from another form of cancer. So, you can image the cogitation. I was definitely spooked at even hearing the word "Cancer". I put off going to get a mammogram for years. I figured, "why should I", when I can simply do a self exam myself at home. Until I figured that I really needed to go get a mammogram. There were changes in my right breast that I could not ignore. After being held for more test for over an hour, I knew it was not good news. The Oncologist on duty at the Imaging office was certain it was cancer. Two masses found connecting like a bar bell, biopsy confirmed cancer. I was diagnosed in July 2013, Mastectomy in August 2013, September 2013 Chemo, Radiation 2014. Woooooo!!!! Back to Back appointments!! I still have three small treatments and I am completely done. August 2014 is my one year anniversary of being cancer free. "Yes, Thank you Lord"!! I did not have to worry my support system is strong. And by the grace of God I am healed. I wanted to share my story to inform young girls and women that it is imperative that you get a mammogram as soon as possible. If there is a change that your unsure about please go to your doctor. You only get one body and you need to take care of it! Never again will I put off tomorrow what I can do today! Life is a gift, cherish it!

hattie leright
st louis, MO

Faith Heals Everything

Faith Heals Everything

I'm Katrina Pangilinan-Tamayao. I am happily married to my boyfriend of 3 years. Here's my breast cancer survival story; I was diagnosed in April 2011 with Breast Cancer Stage 2-B. My Family and that time my "new" boyfriend (now my husband), were all shocked about the biopsy result. I was only 25 years old and too young to have a cancer. Nevertheless, I didn't question God why this had happened to me but rather embraced it and took everything as a trial from Him. Everyday, when I feel weak and is having some struggle from the course of treatment, what I do is pray and say these words, "LORD I LIFT EVERYTHING TO YOU NOW". And all of the sudden, slowly I feel more relax and as if God calms me and put me to sleep. I have been on treatment for 3 years now. I had undergone Mastectomy of my left breast, went through 6 cycles of Chemotherapy and 39 sessions of Radiation. Now, I am on my 11th (of 18th) session of Herceptin. I am also taking an oral med called Tamofixen. I'm grateful and blessed that I have a great support system during all the hardships and struggles that I have been through.
Last November 2012, my boyfriend proposed to me by the beach at sundown and after that, the 4th January, 2014 a Church wedding of my dreams. 3 years of being boyfriend-Girlfriend together, we shared sweet memories and it never came into my mind that after all these, we'd put our love on the next level. God is good, all the time! He will give you what you deserve, but in perfect time. Yes! i do have a Breast Cancer 2B and I am ready to fight this battle because I have GOD and my family. There's a saying that God will not give you struggles that you cannot overcome. If you are reading my story now and is going through the same plight, I want you to be brave and strong. GOD is with us, every time! Claim it, "I AM HEALED".

Katrina Pangilinan-Tamayao
Manila, Philippines

Strength is what I Know as a Fighter

Strength is what I Know as a Fighter

I'm Stage IV Breast Cancer and I'm awaiting for that call from my oncologist's office to tell me of a recurrence. Like blinders on a horse's face, I've learned to live in the moment because it helps me to do what I do in my daily regimen as this is my 2nd year of fighting. I've become comfortable to work with the physical changes I'm going through, never questioning if I will ever walk without a limp, to be able to reach without pain, just to get that feeling of no pain I sometimes get a surge of gets me to do what I want to do!
I choose better to best in the things I do, I choose what my immune system craves for not what I want to eat and surround myself with an abundance of support and connections that gives me a whole new world to use outside of my cancer world! Sad to say there is not enough AWARENESS.This is my second time here to tell my story from a Survivor to the Fighter I am, grateful for the contagious support near and far it's how I gain strength to push through, I escalate from the most incredible caring hearts.

Sparks, NV

My journey

My journey

My name is Leslie. I was diagnosed with stage 2a breast cancer with lymph node involvement on June 22,2014. I've had one chemo treatment with 6 months to go & 6 weeks of radiation. My hair is already falling out which is the hardest thing so far. I was sick for a week after my treatment. I know I'm going to make it through this journey. I have so much love & support. I pray for all my pink sisters. Love to you all

Leslie Gray
Springfield, OH