Faith Heals Everything

I'm Katrina Pangilinan-Tamayao. I am happily married to my boyfriend of 3 years. Here's my breast cancer survival story; I was diagnosed in April 2011 with Breast Cancer Stage 2-B. My Family and that time my "new" boyfriend (now my husband), were all shocked about the biopsy result. I was only 25 years old and too young to have a cancer. Nevertheless, I didn't question God why this had happened to me but rather embraced it and took everything as a trial from Him. Everyday, when I feel weak and is having some struggle from the course of treatment, what I do is pray and say these words, "LORD I LIFT EVERYTHING TO YOU NOW". And all of the sudden, slowly I feel more relax and as if God calms me and put me to sleep. I have been on treatment for 3 years now. I had undergone Mastectomy of my left breast, went through 6 cycles of Chemotherapy and 39 sessions of Radiation. Now, I am on my 11th (of 18th) session of Herceptin. I am also taking an oral med called Tamofixen. I'm grateful and blessed that I have a great support system during all the hardships and struggles that I have been through.
Last November 2012, my boyfriend proposed to me by the beach at sundown and after that, the 4th January, 2014 a Church wedding of my dreams. 3 years of being boyfriend-Girlfriend together, we shared sweet memories and it never came into my mind that after all these, we'd put our love on the next level. God is good, all the time! He will give you what you deserve, but in perfect time. Yes! i do have a Breast Cancer 2B and I am ready to fight this battle because I have GOD and my family. There's a saying that God will not give you struggles that you cannot overcome. If you are reading my story now and is going through the same plight, I want you to be brave and strong. GOD is with us, every time! Claim it, "I AM HEALED".

Katrina Pangilinan-Tamayao
Manila, Philippines