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My God is Bigger than Cancer

My God is Bigger than Cancer

At 34 years old and pregnant with my third child, I heard the words no woman wants to hear "you have breast cancer." Early in my third trimester, I found a lump in my breast and brought it to the attention of my OB doctor. Due to my history of benign cysts and being so late in my pregnancy, we decided to monitor it until after I had the baby. However at 36 weeks pregnant, I started having a bloody discharge from that breast. I had my 36 week check up on Monday, my OB doctor ordered for a breast ultrasound on Wednesday, then a breast biopsy on Thursday. On Friday we were called into the surgeon's office and was given the news that I had stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Three days later, we were blessed with a healthy baby boy. I wanted that next week to be about the joy of having this new blessing. However, we had to come to grips with my diagnosis and the plan of action to beat it. One of the hardest realizations for me was that I would only have about two weeks of breastfeeding before I had to start chemotherapy. The weeks leading up to my first chemo were the most emotional days of my life. I did have the pleasure of meeting an ovarian cancer survivor and Olympic gold medalist, Shannon Miller who really inspired me to be strong through this battle. Taking her advice, I decided to shave my head because that was one of the few things I could control during this journey. I had close friends and family come over and my sister shaved my head for me. I am now five weeks out from completing chemo and then I will be looking at a lumpectomy with follow up radiation. I have found peace during this journey through my almighty God. He has put people in my life to speak truth and encouragement, to bless us with acts of service and meals, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on Earth.

Kristin Pearson
Sumter, SC

Just Got Home From Iraq...

I am retired US Navy and two years before my official retirement, I was sent to Iraq. No problem, that is my job as a corpsman to my Marines and off I went. Two months after my return, I found a lump in my left breast and had it checked. To make a long story somewhat short, it was malignant, had spread to lymph nodes, and I had chemo and radiation. Ok, again, I did my job and survived for the sake of my little children (My youngest was 2 years old at the time) . My BRCA test came back with an anomaly and my mom was tested too and she had the same anomaly. It seems this little gene does not distinguish between breast and ovarian cancer; my maternal grandmother died some years back from ovarian cancer and my mother had a TAH and ovarian removal over 30 years back. Coincidence? Maybe it was meant to express in my mom's ovaries but they were gone. She has no signs/symptoms of any breast cancer and she is now 74 years old.
I opted for a bilateral mastectomy with concurrent reconstruction from my abdomen and later a total hysterectomy with ovaries removed. My dilemma is how to I prepare my daughter, who is now 10 years old, to make the decision of a lifetime-to be tested for the BRCA anomaly or not. I have six healthy, robust sons from two marriages who are proud of me and my decisions I have made. To add to all of this, I have a profound case of PTSD from my sojourn to Iraq-it is rough for a mom to send boys home KIA that were the same age as my elder sons. But I am a survivor; I retired with 26 years of honorable service to my country, relocated to be closer to my mom and get away from the reminders of Iraq, and I still wake up every morning wondering what the day will bring. I live for my children and 3 grandsons and every day is a struggle, emotionally.

Janet Cooper
Celestine, IN

I know the word Cancer

My 6 year old grandson was visiting. I love getting his hugs. This time I had to tell him to be careful because, I had a “boo boo”. My boo-boo was from a recent biopsy of a mass discovered in my left breast.

We were at the local mall, playing in the water fountain. As we were leaving, we saw a pink ribbons painted on the roadway. He said: “Granny, I know what that pink ribbon is.” I replied: “You do. What does that pink ribbon mean?” “It’s for cancer”, Noah replied.

My response was, “Do you know what cancer is?” “I know the word cancer. I know how to spell cancer. I know cancer makes people really, really sick.”

I now know the word cancer, also.

It was June 2013, the month of my 62nd birthday. Being healthy all my life, with no family history of breast cancer, both my sons born before I was 30 years old, breast feed the youngest, and all my mammograms were void of any suspicious areas: why would I worry about breast cancer? The diagnosis was: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with lymph node involvement, and estrogen/progesterone receptor positive. Proof that all those statistics didn't apply to me.

I decided my motto would be "It is what it is and we will do what it takes".

A lumpectomy was first. Removal of my axillary lymph nodes was next. Then two rounds of chemotherapy: 4 consisted of a combination of doxorubicin (red devil) and cyclophosphamide. Followed by 12 treatments of paclitaxel. And, finally 33 radiation treatments.

Yes, my all my hair fell out. I consider this a small price to pay. I wore that shiny bald head like a badge of courage. I wanted everyone to know; breast cancer is survivable.

The first 4 chemo treatments were tough. But, I am tougher. The last 12 treatments were a piece of cake and I flew through the radiation with flying colors.

One year later; I am healthy, active, happy, more appreciative of the small things in life, and value the truly important things.

Take 'that', breast cancer!

Liz Stephens
Braselton, GA

My Miracle...

My Miracle...

I want to start off by saying I would go through everything again if that's what I had to do to have the life I have now (not that I'd want to, but I would).

When my husband and I decided to have kids we had no idea what that journey would look like. After three miscarriages (the first of which made me so sick I couldn't work, eat, drink..) and at the age of 41, I finally got pregnant with our daughter. The time between the miscarriages and finally having one "stick" was almost exactly a year. I was just a month or so off my last miscarriage when I found out I was pregnant. It was a tough pregnancy, the horrible, debilitating "morning" sickness, a test that could mean our daughter had down syndrome (she didn't), and health issues of my own. But we were so excited! I was scheduled for an induction, as I have had two open heart surgeries, one of which I had my aorta valve replaced, so the doctor didn't want me to have any hard labor (that didn't really work out, but that's another story). About a week and a half before my induction I found an egg sized lump on my right breast. Everything happened pretty quickly after that. I had a breast ultra sound, met with a surgeon, and had a biopsy all before my scheduled induction. The surgeon and some of the folks assisting with the biopsy thought it was going to be benign. Unfortunately, that turned out not to be the case. The day after our daughter Lily was born, we were informed that I had breast cancer, caused by my pregnancy and perhaps by the three miscarriages as well. But I was lucky, it hadn't spread.

Chemo was tough, I missed a lot of time with Lily in the beginning. But, my family and friends were amazing and supportive. I couldn't have made it without them. And especially my husband, I am so blessed to have him by my side.

And now I have my miracle, my Lily.

Missy Hines
Ruston, WA

My Husband just came home from Deployment and now I have what?!  Cancer?!

My Husband just came home from Deployment and now I have what?! Cancer?!

One week to the day after my husband came home from deployment, I found a lump in my breast. It had just been our 2 year old and myself for a year now we were ready to restart our life. But, I went to the doctor, they sent me to an ultrasound, then to a surgeon who removed the lump which at that point grew to 2.8cm. Then I got the news. Its breast cancer. Stage 2A Ductal Carcinoma. "The good kind'. But he wanted to take my breasts with no real other option. I said send me to a cancer center. So off to Nashville I went with amazing doctors who said you are in control of your cancer. After another surgery, it was onto chemo.

I just kept thinking, how am I going to get through this. How am I going to deal with the pain and the exhaustion? I would look at my son and realize he was the light at the end of my tunnel. I went to all of my treatments, And when I got tired, I would snuggle with him and say I am going to see you graduate and dance with you at your wedding. I had to. I had no choice in the matter. I am 'too young, I'm only 32' to have this happen to me. I was NOT ready to leave my son. So I pushed through chemo, and radiation. I just kept thinking I have to be almost done. Then finally came the last chemo and then the last radiation. I was there, at the finish line and finally came the mammogram to tell me if it had all worked. The test that would say, let's remove the port.

So after 3 surgeries, 9 1/2 chemo, and 28 radiation, I am done. And today I can say I am cancer free. Hair can grow back, the body will heal itself but it couldn't have done that if I had chosen to take care of myself for my son and my husband because I was not ready to leave yet.

Melissa B
Edmonton, KY

Breast Cancer??...But I just turned 30!!

Breast Cancer??...But I just turned 30!!

On July 15th, 2014, just two months after my 30th birthday, I was diagnosed with Stage II invasive ductal carcinoma. My world was turned upside down: Why me? Why so young? Why now?

At an age when you’re supposed to be enjoying other things in life, I have cancer. Now I know that cancer definitely does not care about your age and I refuse to let cancer get in my way! I won't say or think that I'm sick...the mind is our most powerful tool :)

I am now grateful for my diagnosis. It has changed the woman I am today and the woman I will become. It has taught me more about life, my family, my friends and myself than I had learned in my first 30 years. I have always been a positive and optimistic person but this has truly tested my courage, my strength and my faith. I am 100% sure that “things happen for a reason” and that God chooses his best warriors for his toughest battles; we are truly blessed.

Since I am a single woman in her VERY early 30’s, I made the choice to undergo fertility treatment and freeze my eggs before starting treatment. I was unaware that chemo can leave you sterile. I am currently undergoing 24 weeks of chemo, followed by surgery and possibly radiation. Amongst many of the things I have learned in the past three months, I am also BRCA-1 positive. I still have to meet with my surgeon again to discuss my options but knowing that I have a mutation has made it easier for me to make the decision of having a double mastectomy.

It has been a definite rollercoaster of news, feelings and emotions but it helps knowing that I am not alone. I thank God everyday for my family and friends, especially my parents and my sister! I have the best support system anyone could ever ask for and I am now a part of a group of women that deserve my most sincere admiration and applause! We are WARRIORS and we are NEVER alone!

Houston, TX

The big "C", but your too young.

The big "C", but your too young.

I am 32 and was diagnosed with Stage 1 Her2 Breast Cancer, in July. Everything stopped in my world when this was told to me, I just couldn't believe what I was being told, my first thought was my daughter whose 3 yrs old. What and how am I going to go through this with her being so little and try to shield her from all of this because I want her to stay 3 yrs old and not grow up any faster than what she already has. All I heard at every appointment was your too young, I'm so sorry. On the upside my Oncologist advised the growth had just turned to cancer and this was the 2nd time he's seen this in his career. It took me several weeks to choose what I was going to do, either a mastectomy or the lumpectomy with 6 weeks of radiation. All I could think about was the chance of it coming back. I have a dear friend whose mother has the same exact breast cancer and it came back...something I was so scared of...finally on my 3rd week since my diagnosis I made my decision. I made it exactly the moment my doctor asked me if I had decided. At that moment I advised I wanted a mastectomy. On Aug 19th I had my mastectomy and it's been a rough recovery, more of acceptance that has made it rough. Of course there are good days and there are bad days. The best day was when I went to see my Oncologist who advised that I would not need any sort of treatment what so ever! The prayers from my friends and family truly worked this miracle. My pathology report for my lymph nodes came back negative, this was a confusion for my General Surgeon since they tested positive with the neuro injection. He even sent them off three times to be tested to make sure and each time they were negative. Truly a miracle and now I can move forward with my journey.

Round Rock, TX

My Mother - the Survivor

My Mother - the Survivor

This isn't about me, I'm not the survivor here. I'm the supporter, the one who was even more worried than she was.
My mother is a spunky, crazy, beautiful and outgoing 56 year young woman. Of course, she's just as stubborn as her mother was, so my father and I had to push her to go to the doctors about the lump that was weirdly growing on the top of her right breast. She knew what it was from the start, so she wasn't even upset when the weeks went by and the doctor finally told her it was breast cancer. Although she wasn't upset, or mad or any of those negative feelings - I was. I was hurt, angry, and I just didn't understand why this would happen to MY mother. She was strong - we already knew that. We didn't need something else getting in the way of it.

A few more weeks went by, and finally the day was here. She decided to go with the total right mastectomy. She wanted the breast removed, and we completely respected her wishes so, that's what happened on Sept. 8th, 2014. Hours passed in the waiting room at OSU, but finally the doctor came out and told us everything went perfectly fine and that the lymph nodes came back negative! Best news EVER!
She's still recovering, and she's doing wonderful. I've never seen someone so strong before, and I'm glad that I can call her my mother.
Thank you to all of the doctors, and thank you to all those strong women, and men, out there who've fought this ridiculous battle!

Dakota Perry
Pataskala, OH

What to do when your diagnostic studies are normal but you aren't

What to do when your diagnostic studies are normal but you aren't

On June 12, 2014, I had my annual mammogram. Later that day, I found a rubbery lump in my right breast.

Three days later, I learned (by letter) that my mammogram was normal. Still concerned about the breast lump, I made an appointment with my primary care physician. On exam, I had a low grade fever with breast and axillary lymphadenopathy. I was prescribed Bactrim DS for a presumed bacterial infection.

Antibiotics had no effect and I was referred to a breast surgeon who told me that my mammogram was “beautiful” and the palpable breast lump was “nothing worrisome.” Nevertheless, she referred me for an ultrasound that was read as entirely normal.

Two weeks later, I had a routine appointment with my GI doc. Short story: My GI doc examined my breast lump and described it as “an almost sausage-shaped thrombus.”

I went back to my primary care physician and was sent for lab work (D-dimer) and a Doppler ultrasound of my right arm. When those tests were normal, I asked for a repeat breast ultrasound. I was sure my previous ultrasound had been technically inadequate and I insisted on a repeat study.

On July 18, 2014, my repeat breast ultrasound showed a discrete but “clinically insignificant” abnormality. The radiologist said he was 99.9% certain the abnormality was benign (fat necrosis). I said I was 99.99% certain it was cancer, and then I challenged him to biopsy it and prove me wrong.

On July 22, 20014, my breast biopsy was performed by a radiologist who assured me that no lesion like mine had ever turned out to be cancer.

Three days later, I was told I had a grade 2 invasive ductal carcinoma with micropapillary features, ER+ (100%), PR+ (20%) and Her2-. The pathology report indicated that vascular/lymphatic invasion was probably present (and it was; my current diagnosis is Stage 2B breast cancer, T2, N1mi).

Moral of the story: Be your own best advocate. There’s no way to be sure a breast lump is benign without a biopsy.

Pam Collier
Durham, NC

My fight is for my daughter

My fight is for my daughter

Diagnosed 8 days after the birth of my granddaughter, mine was supposed to have been easy, with no chemo and no radiation, that changed really fast. Neither mammogram or ultrasound picked up the other 2 hiding tumors, I had a total of 3 two different kinds. I had no systems other than being tired. After complete mastectomy that was followed by chemo, Taxotere and Cytoxen now I'm doing 40 radiation treatments, I'll know in a few days if I have to repeat chemo, for the ladies that are just being diagnosed, this is doable, stay calm and take one day at a time, mastectomy isn't the end of the world. My genetics test was negative!! So hopefully my daughter and best friend will never have to deal with this again..

Nancy Jones
Soddy Daisy, TN