Breast Cancer??...But I just turned 30!!

On July 15th, 2014, just two months after my 30th birthday, I was diagnosed with Stage II invasive ductal carcinoma. My world was turned upside down: Why me? Why so young? Why now?

At an age when you’re supposed to be enjoying other things in life, I have cancer. Now I know that cancer definitely does not care about your age and I refuse to let cancer get in my way! I won't say or think that I'm sick...the mind is our most powerful tool :)

I am now grateful for my diagnosis. It has changed the woman I am today and the woman I will become. It has taught me more about life, my family, my friends and myself than I had learned in my first 30 years. I have always been a positive and optimistic person but this has truly tested my courage, my strength and my faith. I am 100% sure that “things happen for a reason” and that God chooses his best warriors for his toughest battles; we are truly blessed.

Since I am a single woman in her VERY early 30’s, I made the choice to undergo fertility treatment and freeze my eggs before starting treatment. I was unaware that chemo can leave you sterile. I am currently undergoing 24 weeks of chemo, followed by surgery and possibly radiation. Amongst many of the things I have learned in the past three months, I am also BRCA-1 positive. I still have to meet with my surgeon again to discuss my options but knowing that I have a mutation has made it easier for me to make the decision of having a double mastectomy.

It has been a definite rollercoaster of news, feelings and emotions but it helps knowing that I am not alone. I thank God everyday for my family and friends, especially my parents and my sister! I have the best support system anyone could ever ask for and I am now a part of a group of women that deserve my most sincere admiration and applause! We are WARRIORS and we are NEVER alone!

Houston, TX