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Scariest Story Ever told

I am a 35 year old women, with 2 teenagers. I went to my gynocologist for my annual checkup, just like I do every year. She said that since I am on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) that I should get my Baseline Mam. done. Neither of us felt anything. So, on a tuesday morning I had it done @ 10:30. By the time I got to work, they had already called me and wanted me to come back in for a Sonogram. I went in for the sonogram the following day. At which point after it was done, they took me right over to the doctor. In her words: "It don't look good, we need to get a biopsy of it." I scheduled the biopsy for the following day. I went in for the biopsy, and for all you women who are just starting this procedure.. it is relatively pain free and easy.
My Gyno called 2 days later, and said that it was inconclusive, that they need to do a open biopsy. They are pretty sure its cancer, but they don't know what type. I have surgery on Aug 6th, he is not going to do a open biopsy, he is just going to a lumpectomy and then biopsy it. At present my tumor is 1.6cm to 1.8cm.
I have found that I have more courage, and more will to live now more then ever.For all you women that know for sure, god bless you and my prayers are with you. For all you women that at the same point I am at cry, get babied, educate yourself and then move on and live. Do what you have to do, but fight.

Ransomville, NY

Blueberry Point, an oasis

Most everyone has a special place that they like to spend time at. Mine is at a small rocky outcrop by a lake, private and quiet, a place to watch the sun set, and hear loons on the water. In 2006, that place had been my favorite for many years. In 2007, I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer, a large tumor, HER positive with positive lymph nodes. Throughout chemo I went back to this little spot every day, in my imagination. I would close my eyes while the chemo dripped into me and I would return. The images became so vivid that I was concerned that I was hallucinating. It was an oasis, a calm safe place for me to go to in my mind when my world was crashing down around me, when I had no more strong left in me for me, my husband, my two children, the rest of the world that needed me strong and well. In 2008 I returned and sat and cried until I ran out of tears: fear, relief, overwhelming gradititude to just be alive. And this year I have just returned, and I laughed and sat and smiled, and cried. Happy to be alive. Happy to be privileged to be here- and there - still. If cancer touches your life, I hope that you can find an oasis, your own place, where you can go, be safe, calm, and free to scream and cry if that is what you need. Modern medicine may have saved my life, but the memory - and reality - of this safe place saved my sanity.

Pomfret, VT

Cancer in My family

In August 2006, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Two weeks later my brother was diagnosed with Esphagus cancer. I was fortunate to have very early cancer not even a stage one yet. I only needed a lumpectomy and radiation and oral chemo. My brother lost his battle with cancer five months after his surgery. If I had not been getting yearly mammograms, I wouldn't have been so luclky. I can't stress enough the importance of them and of self exams each month. In April this year, my sister was diagnosed with rectal cancer. She had surgery and is getting radiation and chemo. Cancer does run in families so everyone get yearly exams. mammograms, and colonscopies as often as your doctor recommends. I'm a three year surviror and hopefully my sister will live many more years also. I also lost another brother to cancer in 2002.

Ruby Bush
Lancaster, OH

Cancer Free Mom

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1984. She had her right breast removed and went for chemo every week for a whole year. At first she was handling the chemo great, then as the weeks, months went by, she was getting sicker and sicker with each treatment. We would walk out of the office and she would be sick. Mom never lost faith that she would get better and she said every minute was worth her being sick as long as the cancer was gone. Well, mom has been cancer free starting her 25th year this year and I am so proud of her. I thank God everyday that she is still around. My sister and I bother get our yearly mamograms because we know one of us could be next.

Diane Quader
Shelby Township, MI

A Double Whammy

After a routine mammogram and subsequent ultrasound and biopsy on each breast I was diagnosed in January 2009 with DCIS. Cancer in both breasts at the same time -- I could not believe this was happening! It was Stage 0, non-invasive, and my surgeon said it was the best kind of breast cancer you could have. No lymph nodes were affected for which I am really thankful. I had a lumpectomy on each breast followed by six weeks of radiation. After consulting with a medical oncologist I chose no further treatment and feel very optimistic. In addition to my health issues my husband underwent open heart surgery in February 2009. We have recuperated together and are both doing great. My tumors were so small they could not be felt by the doctor. That's why it is so important that we have annual mammograms. I am sixty-eight and thank God for every day.

Louise Hill
China Grove, NC

Just Eating Chips, Now I Have Cancer?

Just Eating Chips, Now I Have Cancer?

And that is how it started....sitting on my sofa in late Oct 2008, watching TV and eating some chips. I started to brush the crumbs of the front of my shirt and my hand hit an area on my left breast and it was sore. I started to push and probe and felt it..a lump I had not felt before. Several days later, my primary care physician said yes, we need to get that checked and referred me for an mammogram. After the mammogram, a biopsy was completed immediately. As the doctor stood there saying it was definitely cancer, explaining what needed to be done, all I could think was wait, CANCER, what is going on? God, this can't be happening!
So began the scans, the surgery to remove the tumor. the tubes, the Brache radiation treatment...and then the chemotherapy. As if having cancer wasn't scary enough. the anxiety of loosing my beloved hair was the kicker. I think until then I was pretty strong. As the weeks passed, my hair began to shed, finally while standing in the mirror pulling strand after strand (mind you, I loved my hair), it suddenly dawned on me that this is it (like the previous months weren't enough huh?). I did make it through chemotherapy, praying everyday, asking God to strengthen me for the next week. Praise God my last chemo session was April 24 and on to five weeks of radiation, every day. Radiation wasn't a bad process, just the sessions everyday left me exhausted, both physically and mentally.
But here I am on the other side of this big "C". Proud to say with God's help and the love and support of my great family and friends, I am a SURVIVOR. Early detection is the key..and chips!

Connie M Alexander
Avondale, AZ

Stage 4 Mestastic Breast Cancer

Hi, my name is Debbie and I have been battling Breast Cancer for the past 3 yrs. In May of 2006, I was told I had Breast Cancer, I was totaling devastated, because my Mom had died from Cancer at the age of 28 and both of my Grandmother's died of Breast Cancer, so I was scared. It's been a long 3 yrs battling this horrible disease. It started in the breast, went through a mastectomy on the right side with nodes removed, went through a number rounds of chemo & radiation. Also, did herceptin for 1 yr and the Cancer came back in my Brain, Chest Wall and now my right lower lung. I have been told that my cancer is not curable, but it treatable, so right now I am on a aggressive treatment of Tykerb & Zeloda and am schedule for another CAT Scan on Aug 3, 2009 to see how things look. I will be having another MRI on the Brain soon too. So, I will be waiting to see how the scan turns out, hopefully good news.

I tried to stay positive for myself and my kids, I have to survive for them, even if it is only for a few years.

Thanks for listening,

Debbie Gifford
Windsor Locks, CT

share my story

I had a clear mammogram in November 2006 and in June 2007 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer after finding a lump in my right breast. As you can imagine I was in complete shock, The tumor was very large so I had no options. I have undergone a mastectomy, 6 months of chemo followed by 6 weeks of radiation. I am grateful for every day and to my family and friends and the many people that have been on this journey with me for their encouragement, prayers and hope for my recovery. I just celebrated my 60th birthday in April at Disney World!!! I am so blessed.

Julie H
Roanoke, IN


I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2000. I was 39 years old and had six young children. Thank God for family as I could not of gone through 6 months of chemo and 5 weeks of radiation with out them! My mom and my sisters made sure the kids and house was taken care of when I couldnt do it. Thanks so much to them.
I am a nine year survivior!!! My mom is 71 and was just diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She is currently going through chemo and is losing her hair. She is the toughest woman I have ever known. I'm thinking about shaving my head to show that I support her. I did do the BRACA testing and it came back negative. Please make sure that you do monthly exams. Early detection does save lives.

Shelley Mark
Hooper, UT

Time can so easily just slip by

Don't let time slip by without taking care of yourself. I was never good at doing self-exams, and just never could remember to look up the phone number and make an appointment for a mammogram. I let 6 years go by in between mammograms. Yes, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and have undergone surgery and chemotherapy. Had I had more frequent mammograms, we would have caught it earlier and I could probably have avoided the chemo. Had I had a more aggressive tumor, I wouldn't be here to tell this story. But I'm almost a year out now from chemo and a mastectomy and am doing great, thanks to all of the medical advances in treating this disease. But, please, take care of yourselves and have regular mammograms!

Atlanta, GA