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Perfect example of early

My cancer was found very early at my yearly mammogram. I had microscopic calcification with cancer cells. I had a lumpectomy in April of 2003. Six weeks of radiation. It has been six years now and I am certainly CURED.

Judi Ingram
Homestead, FL

do not believe most of the doctors

My doctor did not one, but two lumpectomis for what was an zero breast cancer. He mutilated my breast, twice.
When I asked if I could have an implant, he merely said, and I quote his exact words, "why not just cut the other one off"
Going through the "supposed" breast cancer situation, the radiation treatments every day, I really think that most of these doctors are just "cut-happy"
Do you really think that if it were his wife he would say" let's cut the other one off"
I went to a plastic surgeon for an implant.He told me that it would look normal again. He also lied.
I have not been able to have any sexual relations with my husband since the surgery,because I feel that I am not the person that I was. The scar, physically and emotionaly has just ruined my life.
I must admit that my significant other took me for radiation treatments every morning for 8 weeks. I hope that you have someone to do that too.
And I hope that you can let it go. I wish I could.

Maspeth, NY

It was My First Mammogram

As a 37 year parapledgic, I had learned to deal with all the physical challenges which accompany bening paralyzed. I never thought or even considered that any other physical ailment would attadk my already medically fragile body.
At 40, when I had my first mammogram, a lump smaller than a pencil eraser was found. My biopsy confirmed it was cancer. With no history of breast or any other cancer in my family genes, I had my first lumpectomy. It all seemed rather routine, the lumpectomy, the checking and taking of the lymph nodes, and the radiation therapy. Tamoxifen was not an option due to my paralysis and the risk of blood clots. Treatment was completed and I awaited my five year all clear.
Well, my all clear turned into my second bout with cancer. It came almost five years to the exact date of my first encounter. Again it was smaller than the top of a pencil eraser and it had not invaded my lymph nodes. I now had to decide on a lumpectomy, maybe every five years or a mastectomy with no assurance it would not occur in the other breast.
A decision filled with much prayer, family and friends counseling, and pastoral advise was made. I opted for the mastectomy and never looked back. I did however again wait for my five year all clear. Each year I held my breath and each year I made more healthy lifestyle changes. I added exercise , reduced my intake of refined sugar and processed food, and began eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, My all clear came as I went for my yearly mammogram, "Everything looks fine see you next year!" I was thrilled, on my birthday and I got and amazing gift: Cancer Free for 5 years!

Min. Denise E. Gilmore
Dayton, OH

My Mom

My mom just had her 12 year anniversary of her double mastectomy. When she was given the choice between a lumpectomy and mastectomy, she very clamly said, "I used to stuff my bra when I was young, I can do it again" Well it turned out she made the right choice. After they did all the pathology on her breasts after the surgery, they found that she had more small cancer cells than they thought. By choosing the Double mastectomy, they got it all and she is still here with us today!! Mom, you are my hero!!!

Laney Hanson
Santee, CA

my breast cancer journey

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Oct. 2003. I am now cancer free and a totally different person than I was then. Cancer taught me to truly love myself. Instead of constantly being busy doing everything for everyone else, I now allow myself daily time for just me. I sit outside and appreciate the beauty all around me. I am thankful for the blue skies, colorful flowers, green trees and the mesmerizing sounds of all of the birds. My silent "inner chatter" in my head is now positive about myself. I am worthy of self love and am worthy of everyone else's love. Realigning our inner emotions to match up with our desire to survive and truly live is a key building block to our basic foundation of healing. This process of positive thinking along with a lumpectomy, then a mastectomy with immediate reconstrunction, followed by chemo helped me be the person I am today. I like the new me!

Linda Murphy
Mooresville, NC

Hope from Utah

I have 3 cousins that have had double mascetomies because of breast cancer. I know that seems like a lot but I have 125 cousins and No one before them had it. That tells me we all have to believe and Live With Hope. Thank you to Lynn, Linda and Chris for teaching me what strength is. I am Soooooo proud of you girls ! ! ! !
My Love, Alway and Forever
Patty in Utah

Patty VanNostrand Kanies
West Jordan, UT


After a routine mammogram In 1999 I was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ). After 3 weeks of extensive research and soul searching, I chose to do a prophylactic mastectomy. I have never regretted the decision.

I do not understand so many woman choosing lumpectomy, radiation, and/or tamoxifen, which leave a woman at risk, not only for breast cancer again, but so many side effects.

I am so grateful that I was reminded at that time, that we are so much more than our physical body. Attachment to looking a certain way is very limiting and often causes tremendous suffering.

Please, please, please consider this option.

Iowa City, IA

Sisters fighting Breast Cancer together!

Sisters fighting Breast Cancer together!

My sister was diagnosed 1 year before me with breast cancer, I was totally shocked to find out that I was going to have to battle this dreaded disease also, I have 3 other sisters who went & got Breast MRI's, since mine was not picked up on the Mammogram I had in October 2006, I found a hard area on my breast in August 2007, the tumor was a fast growing one, I had all the Chemo & Radiation, but my battle was not as hard as my sisters. I was wanting to do the double mastectomy, due to the fact that I had been in touch with other women who had single mastectomies & then the Cancer reoccurred in the other breast. But I thought my MD said I would be able to have a lumpectomy, but when it came down to the surgery I ended up with a mastectomy, in May 2008, then in November my plastic surgeon provided the details of a Free flap TRAM, & I had the second mastectomy with this surgical procedure for bilateral breast reconstruction, he did an amazing job, of giving me my breasts back, & a nice flat tummy, all this for a women of 54 years old, & three children later. I am most thankful to still be here & Cancer free of 1 year, I will be walking my daughter down the aisle with her father on October 24, 2009, I am so thankful that I have been blessed by God, to continue in his work here on earth for a longer time. God bless all of the Cancer Survivors & those who are battling Cancer now.

Pickrell, NE

All in the Family

All in the Family

Breast cancer ran in my family. I lost my mother when I was 19, and she was 40. I also lost my grandmother and great-grandmother, so it was no surprise when my gyn wanted me to be tested. I tested BRCA1 positive, and so began my journey at age 34. I had preventative surgery that included double mastectomies with delayed implant reconstruciton. I also had a complete hysterectomy. I was blessed that my insurance covered a large portion of my testing as well as my treatment. It was helpful in that my aunt (my mother's sister) also tested BRCA1 and went through this process at approxiamtely the same time. We were able to lean on each other and share our stories, which we found were very different even though the treatment plan was the same. We found that different facilities approach things differently. In any event, we both are well on the mend and made the right choice for us. I'm 36, and I am truly grateful for this test and the options presented to me. In this picture, I am sharing a moment with my great-aunt. I may not have my mother any longer, but thanks to her brave determination and commitment to clinical trials in 1992, we are here today to share this moment.

Riverview, FL

Having Breast Cancer Saved My Life

Having Breast Cancer Saved My Life

My mother had breast cancer at age 34, so I began getting yearly mammograms when I was 30. Every year they were clear, and by the time I was 50 I thought I was home free. Then, in 2009 at age 54 I had a mammogram that revealed a small DCIS in my right breast. I had a needle biopsy, then a lumpectomy followed by mammosite radiation therapy. I was very lucky that the tumor was only 3mm and the oncologist determined I did not need chemo. Because of my family history I had genetic testing that revealed I had the BRCA1 mutation for breast and ovarian cancer. Finding this small tumor ultimately may have saved my life. I decided to have a hysterctomy and bilateral mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction while I was healthy and cancer free. I needed to take control of my life and my health and I did. My doctors say I still have a 10% chance of a reoccurance of breast cancer, but that is a lot better than the 80% chance I had without the mastectomy. My husband, family and friends have been so supportive and best of all, my daughter has tested negative for the mutation. I am truly blessed.

Debbie Frare
Orlando, FL