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14 years later

We used to joke back in the '70 that it was my husbands job to give me breast exams. Well, there I was, 44 years old in 1995 and he asked "what's that?". I was at the doctors the next day, mastectomy two weeks later and six monthes of chemo. That was 14 years ago, I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful husband and loving and caring family & friends. On the first anniversary of my surgery, my husband brought me home a horse, and said go play. Remember, "Keep loving, keep living, keep happy, keep safe."
Morgan Hill, Ca

morgan hill, CA

My Survival Story

I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer on February 13, 2008 at the age of 38. I had a lumpectomy to remove the tumor and then completed 4 rounds of chemo and 6 1/2 weeks of radiation. I had my last treatment on September 11, 2008. My family and friends have been wonderful right from the beginning. Their support has been unbelievable. They kept me going through my ordeal. Even when I lost my hair from the chemo, my 3 year old son always told me that I was "so pretty". My husband has the best sense of humor so he kept me laughing. They brought out a strength I never knew I had.

Judy Wyatt
Newark, DE

How lucky am I?

How lucky am I?

In 3 years, I went through 2 rounds of IVF, had a son, a surprise son 8 months after that, got breast cancer 8 months after he was born. The pay off? 2 gorgeous baby boys, 16 months apart that keep me young. I am 42, BRCA 2 +, I had a bilateral mast with DIEP, 4 months of chemo, and a hysterectomy/ooph.
I have an awesome supportive husband, a daughter that is very helpful, a Mom who is a 2 time survivor of BRCA, a 38 year old sister that is BRCA 2+ also & working out the details of her plans.
My grandmother was also a 2 time breast cancer survivor. Sadly, her second round of cancer did eventually go into the mets stage to brain, bone, and liver. She died August 2, 1986 and I miss her dearly every day.
I am so lucky to have the friends & family I do and I would never trade them for the world!

Andrea McCracken
Buckeye, AZ

My Breast Cancer Journey

My Breast Cancer Journey

Hello, my name is Darlene , I am 43yrs old and was just told i have breast cancer. I am not gone to type this and tell all of you im not scared. I would be lieing too you and my self. I cried for days after finding out I have cancer. I was a total mess. I was on an emotional roller coaster . I didnt know how to deal with all of it. I sat and talked with my husband as he was my #1 supporter. My husband and I both did some research online so that I could get more of an understanding of what I was up against. It did relax me some to read about other women and men going through the same thing. After talking with my family and friends and a wonderful doctor I felt alittle at ease. The main thing to do is to have a positive out look on the situation.

I recieved alot of prayers and support from alot of people. It really made me feel good. My doctor Micheal Luke MD. is such a wonderful doctor. I had alot of test done when I found my lump in my breast. It is very over whelming, and scary at times. But I had the attitude of a roaring tiger, I was not gone to give up on getting myself better.

July 10th 2009 I had my surgery, I have stage 1 cancer and getting set up for my treatments. To everyone dealing with this please dont give up and keep the faith. With all the support of ur family and friends it will help you through it. Keep the Faith + God Bless + Keep Fighting

Darlene ^j^

North Smithfield, RI

Pink Ball Cap Pinned - 4th race for cure

Pink Ball Cap Pinned - 4th race for cure

Anyone that knows me knows of my heartfelt, desire to support our military, child abuse concerns and awareness, and attention to breast cancer awareness. And, they know of my spiritual desire to do God's will, (I'm a prayer).
My Aunt and my second Mom are both breast cancer survivors. Thanks to R & D, cancer awareness and the fight against breast cancer. Last year, I took the 4th pink ribbon I collect and pinned it to my pink ball cap, for every Race For The Cure I participate in.

Becky Flowers
Houston, TX

My Support System

My Support System

Three weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma at age 29 and three weeks from today is my scheduled bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction.

Last night, my family and friends threw me a surprise Support Party at my favorite Mexican restaurant. Over 50 people showed up to lend me their support and offer their shoulders for me to cry on in the upcoming weeks and months. My mom tapped into the power of Facebook to find friends of mine that I didn't even know she knew about, and my big fat Greek family made an impressive showing for a Wednesday night. Margaritas and guacamole made everyone merry and, for one super fun and laughter-filled night, I forgot about my scary situation and the upcoming life-changing surgery. I always knew I had a good support system behind me but there's just something about seeing all 50+ people in front of me, offering their help and love, that really makes me feel like I can beat this thing, that I WILL beat this thing. I can't wait until it's over with and until I'm healed from reconstruction but in the meantime, I've got a helluva lot of people willing to help me out.

The healing power of laughter and love cannot be underestimated!

Arvada, CO

Life goes on..

I was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive ductal breast cancer in my right breast. I chose to have a mastectomy, because the cancer was found in several lymph nodes. I was afraid it would advance if I didn't remove the entire breast. I went through the chemotherapy, radiation, which I found to be the worst, and one year of Herceptin. I tested positive to the her2 onco gene.
I cried a lot at first, but then I had a change of attitude. Life is short, we all are going to die, some sooner than others. I said to myself, as long as I'm alive, I'm going to live as well as I can. I don't work, so I'm able to feed the birds and photograph them. It is a wonderful hobby and makes me thank God every day that I'm here and able to do this.
It's important, I believe, to have something that makes you happy , gives you joy, to get you through the hard times. I know that everyone handles it differently. But I'm not dead yet, and I chose to live every moment as if it's my last, because after all, it very well could be. Maybe not from cancer, but something else. Live today as if it's the last time you see the beauty God has given us. The flowers , the birds, the rainbows after a good rain.
That's all I have to say. My prognosis is good. I'm glad, but think cautiously. It's only been 2 years since my diagnosis. I have 4 years to take oral chemo, and Then I'll see if I'm cancer free. I pray that I am and will be forever!
Love life, hug your kids, grand kids, the dog, cat, husband, friends! I do !

Dee Belanger
Warren, MA



I an Colleen Rose Novak
I am a singer Songwriter and I support this Breast Cancer Site and
the Concern Foundation Los Angeles

To hear me go to

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My Beautiful Granny!

My Beautiful Granny!

I click every day in memory of my beautiful grandmother, Phyllis Nelson. She courageously fought her battle with breast cancer three times over the past 12 years. For the past 2 years, she bravely battled metastatic breast cancer, and finally finished her struggle and went home to Heaven on July 10, 2009.
Breast cancer is such an ugly disease, but Phyllis turned her struggle into something beautiful and inspirational for everyone around her. In the doctor's office where she received chemotherapy, she constantly uplifted those around her and kept a positive attitude even though she was fighting the same tiring battle. I know at times she was so tired of fighting, so tired of being sick. I know that it was espescially difficult for her to lose all her hair not once, but three times--the third time right after it had finally grown back again. My granny was an absolutely beautiful woman when she was younger, and I can honestly say that she was every bit as beautiful throughout the last week of her life.
This woman was such an inspiration to me! She taught me everything I know, and she has demonstrated such courage and strength in the past 2 years. Although I pray I never have to battle breast cancer, I only hope that I can be as strong, courageous, inspirational, and beautiful inside and out as she was! In only 62 years, Phyllis touched so many lives, including my own. I made the decision long ago to dedicate my life to cancer research, prevention, and treatment. Issues dealing with breast cancer, in particular, are close to my heart.

I will continue to Fight for Phyllis!

Danielle Tippit
Conway, AR

A Beautiful Gift in an Ugly Box

June 19, 2007 I had a double mastectomy and 14 lymph nodes removed. Stage 2 breast cancer. My husband by my side, we began to rebuild our lives. Two years later, life is wonderful. We are survivors, loving each and every day God gives us to the fullest. I think I was complacent when diagnosed, now I marvel at hummers in my garden, each and every sunset, the 42 years we have had together, our sons and their families. It is like I have been reborn, everything is brighter and more wonderful, like I am experiencing it for the first time. Each and every morning I thank God for the morning and each and every night I thank God for the great day I just had. It is hard to understand unless you have been there, but I am so much happier and appreciative of what life has to offer since being diagnosed, I am not sorry I went through this. God Bless all those who helped me through this, especially my husband Bob. And please ensure you self examine, get your mammograms, if it is to happen to you make sure you are diagnosed early to give you a head start on becoming a survivor like the rest of us.

Pat Knollenberg
Montrose, CO