My Support System

Three weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 invasive ductal carcinoma at age 29 and three weeks from today is my scheduled bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction.

Last night, my family and friends threw me a surprise Support Party at my favorite Mexican restaurant. Over 50 people showed up to lend me their support and offer their shoulders for me to cry on in the upcoming weeks and months. My mom tapped into the power of Facebook to find friends of mine that I didn't even know she knew about, and my big fat Greek family made an impressive showing for a Wednesday night. Margaritas and guacamole made everyone merry and, for one super fun and laughter-filled night, I forgot about my scary situation and the upcoming life-changing surgery. I always knew I had a good support system behind me but there's just something about seeing all 50+ people in front of me, offering their help and love, that really makes me feel like I can beat this thing, that I WILL beat this thing. I can't wait until it's over with and until I'm healed from reconstruction but in the meantime, I've got a helluva lot of people willing to help me out.

The healing power of laughter and love cannot be underestimated!

Arvada, CO