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my mom

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer my sophmore year of high school. It was really hard for everyone. She had her mastectomy and through all this time we became so much closer as mother/daughter. So flash forward a few years....she turned 40 on Sept 24 and I turned 18 the next day on the 25th so we went, along with my grandmother, and 2 aunts and got a tattoo the day after my birthday. She got a pink ribbon with "God's journey" written through the ribbon. I got just a pink ribbon on my wrist with the chinese symbols for "faith" and "hope" on either side. And one aunt got the Tennessee T with a pink ribbon looped around it. I love my mom so much and am so thankful to God for making her so strong to be able to endure all that she has gone through.

Nashville, TN

Never Too Early

During a regular physical when I was 46, my internist asked if I had a history of breast cancer. Although I had no close relatives with BC, my grandmother and great grandmother both died young from breast cancer. Screening was not recommended before the age of 50 in 1985, but my internist suggested I have a mammogram anyway. The small lobular cancer showed up on the first mammogram I had. Surgery and radiation followed. 3 years later, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer ; totally unrelated to the breast cancer according to the experts.
I had one scare finding a lump myself about 5 years ago, but luckily, it turned out to be scar tissue. I am now a 25 year survivor of both breast and thyroid cancer. Had my internist followed the guide lines, I don't think the cancer would have been caught as early as it was, and the outcome might have been quite different.

Judy Sobel
Sandy Springs, GA


At 54 finishing a shower i happened to touch my left breast while drying my hair. Something about the touch startled me, it didn't feel right. Examining my breast it felt like a rock! the WHOLE breast was one big rock,They did a bioposy, it wasn't good! Dr's,kept asking me if i had any questions--dear GOD what was i supposed to ask? How,where, when and WHY? Catherer in place off i went to "chemo" ( wish they would warn you how bad it hurts when your hair falls off!) had a double mastectomy,radical on left and simple on right. bioposied came back with "CANCER" so 11 nodes were taken. Had chemo & radiation. Dr said my cancer came out of nowhere and VERY aggressive.! I'm still here thank GOD! Reading your letters I find hope. Many of you give thanks to family n friends. Where indeed would we be without them! My husband had an affair while i was literally fighting for my life! He caused so much stress and anger & getting fired for fraternizing! there went my insurance! HE'S HISTORY! The lost of insurance was more terrifying. I truly believe that without the support from family,friends & people at WalMart i don't know where i'd be! Still i'd never felt so alone and scared! NOW i have questions--will it come back? Move forward how? I lost so much that year and still here! This is a horrible test we're put through,we HAVE the STRENGTH to fight!. Somewhere inside me i found that thing 'STRENGTH" stashed away inside waiting... We're still here! We are not alone-we hold hands together with our hearts and with our love for life,we move forward and ready to face the next hurdle life throws at us with strength and FAITH!

Josie Davidson
Las Cruces,NM

Josie Davidson
Las Cruces, NM

Was I Lucky!

Was I Lucky!

At 44, Breast Cancer was something I thought I would never get. I would support the Avon walks, make meals for those who were battling cancer and click away for free mammograms. I would even walk by the new women's hospital in Chicago and think I'll never be there. Little did I know what was lurking in my body.
I went in for my routine mammo in July 2009. There was a concern. I had three biopsies and one revealed a 2 mm, grade 1 area of Invasive Ductal Cancer. I opted to have a bilateral masectomy and scheduled it ASAP!
My surgery took place on 9/28/09. When the pathology report came back, the results were as follows: Stage 1, 6 mm of DCIS, grade 1, ER/PR+, HER2- & the radiologist sucked all the cancer out it during the biopsy. THe surgeon told me that he was 98% positive I would not need chemo & would never be bothered by this again! He was right. The oncologist met with me and told me I did not need chemo or homronal therapy.
We had meals scheduled for two weeks and ended up with 5 weeks. People just wanted to help! It was such an outpouring of love from our community.
I am a teacher & found this experience to be a great teaching experience. My children have "thrown out" the first basketball at a Breast Cancer Awareness basektball game. My students raised over $100 for Relay for Life, just so they could throw a pie in my face. My boys even get excited to see an athlete wearing pink. I just had my tisse expanders removed & implants put in place and feeling great. I do believe the cancer has been a positive hurdle for me and my family.

Lisa Dunham
Chciago, IL

God Works Miracles

God Works Miracles

In 1997 after getting insurance, I scheduled a long over due well woman exam. I knew someting wasn't right by the way the technician was acting.
I waited for the doctor to send me results too long. Then my right breast started hurting and a small amount of bloody fluid came out. I immediately called the dotor. They didn't know what had happened to my results and immediately started trying to find them. The very next morning, I got a phone call saying I needed to see a surgeon right away. They made me an appointment and I was scheduled for lumpectomy on Friday. The surgeon had no explanation for the pain or blood, and couldn't find any trace when I went in.
The surgeon wanted me to come to her office the next Monday after surgery and insisted that i have someone drive me. My daughter, sister-in-law and I went to the office the next Monday. The surgeon told me that I had muscousnous carcenoma and that if you are going to have breast cancer that is one of the bette ones to treat. She then scheduled my surgery for the lympnode removal which came back negative. The tumor had been against my chest wall and could not be felt.
I then went through 6 months of chemotherapy and 6 weeks of radiation.
I have had several biopsies since. but they have all been benign.
I have to give God all the glory, honor and praise for the warning (bloody fluid) and my 12 year survival. I also have to thank all the people who lifted me up in prayer during this time.
I feel God let me go through this to help encourage the many others with cancer, that He has brought into my life since my experience.

Donna Lynette Stolich
Houston, TX

Still Kicking Cancer's Butt!

I went into the doctor's office for a routine exam to get a new prescription for birth control. My doctor said she felt a lump in my breast and wanted to make sure it was nothing serious. After a mammogram that came up with inconclusive results, my doctor opted for an ultra sound. It came up with a small lump in my left breast, and I was told "You have breast cancer". All my emotions went haywire, I thought "How can this be possible? I am only 17 years old." but my doctor held faith. I went into surgery, had a very successful removal, and here I am 10 years later. I stand up tall, proud, and strong because I am a survivor. I look forward to the years down the road, when I can share my story with my children. And they can be proud that their mother, is still kicking breast cancer's butt!

Mesa, AZ

Four year survivor

Four year survivor

Received the phone call that changed my life on April 1, 2006. It was not an April Fool's joke, it was breast cancer! A tiny lump not found with self exam was detected with a mammogram. Having the best friends in the whole world and two wonderful sons helped me through a tough time. A mammogram saved my life - what are you waiting for?

York, PA

My Story

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2009 at age 43. I just completed 16 rounds of chemotherapy and am getting ready to start radiation therapy in a few weeks. I am thankful to God that I had my yearly mammogram last year. I almost did not get it because of lack of insurance. I had a mammogram six months previous to that and no cancer was found. I have kept a positive attitude and faith in God that by his stripes I am healed. I thank my six children and my husband for their support during this difficult period of my life. I am now ready for phase two.

Virginia Lynn
Eden, NC

3 Time Survivor

I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer in 1987. Because i was 34 I started hormone therapy. Had a recurrance in '91 then Oct. of 91 went through breast cancer surgery. Did oral chemo for a year and so far there have been no recurrances. I changed my diet and stayed involved in life. I praise the Lord for His presence through it all and say to everyone who reads this that you need to become involved in your own healthcare and if your doctor (s) do not believe this is important to you.....find another doctor. Knowledge is power. Humor is healing. God bless you all.

Peg Riggle
Staunton, VA

my story

In feb 2005 i was told that i had breast cancer and being the only one in the family that i know of was a big shock to me and my family, went for surgery on march, and took radation and was fine for a whole year, then it came back and went for a mesectory on the left side only. than later i decied to have reconstuction on both. my husband was by my side all the time. it was hard cause most of the time i felt i was in this along but i keep my chin up and keep going with life. everytime i saw my grandkids and my kids i have to be strong for them, my faith in god also help me. now i'm cancer free but in the back of my mind i think about my girls and pray and hope they don't get cancer.


colton, CA