God Works Miracles

In 1997 after getting insurance, I scheduled a long over due well woman exam. I knew someting wasn't right by the way the technician was acting.
I waited for the doctor to send me results too long. Then my right breast started hurting and a small amount of bloody fluid came out. I immediately called the dotor. They didn't know what had happened to my results and immediately started trying to find them. The very next morning, I got a phone call saying I needed to see a surgeon right away. They made me an appointment and I was scheduled for lumpectomy on Friday. The surgeon had no explanation for the pain or blood, and couldn't find any trace when I went in.
The surgeon wanted me to come to her office the next Monday after surgery and insisted that i have someone drive me. My daughter, sister-in-law and I went to the office the next Monday. The surgeon told me that I had muscousnous carcenoma and that if you are going to have breast cancer that is one of the bette ones to treat. She then scheduled my surgery for the lympnode removal which came back negative. The tumor had been against my chest wall and could not be felt.
I then went through 6 months of chemotherapy and 6 weeks of radiation.
I have had several biopsies since. but they have all been benign.
I have to give God all the glory, honor and praise for the warning (bloody fluid) and my 12 year survival. I also have to thank all the people who lifted me up in prayer during this time.
I feel God let me go through this to help encourage the many others with cancer, that He has brought into my life since my experience.

Donna Lynette Stolich
Houston, TX