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OH NO - Not me!

I am 67 years old and trying to enjoy my retirement!! Not so. I have always had lumpy breasts and was not concerned when my left breast became swollen and I could feel two distinct lumps in it. Mammogram showed nothing new, ultrasound looked suspicious and on New Years Eve, 12/31/13 after the biopsy, the call came. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma --- Happy New Year!!! My margins were clean and there was a micro tumor in one of my sentinel lymph nodes, everything else was clear. First the surgeons talked lumpectomy - then a MRI was scheduled -- several tumors were found in my left breast, I am estrogen and progresterone positive and I have the HER2+ invasive cancer. So a regiment of chemotheropy and herceptin have been scheduled for me. I had my first treatment last Friday. Everyone says how much good a positive attitude is --- that's great but this week I have had extreme fatique, bone and muscle aches from the Neulasta shot and constant stomach cramps -- that takes positive down a few notches. But there are things to be thankful for --- the steriod pills have given me an amazing appetite and I have not experienced nausea. There is absolutely nothing about this journey that is going to be fun but I know at the end I will be cancer free so bring on the bad stuff. I'm gonna fight and I am surrounded by loving friends and family.

Findley Lake, NY

Surviving Cancer

Surviving Cancer

I went to my OBGYN because I felt a lump on my left breast. He sent me for a mammogram and sonogram then a few days later they called me to get a biopsy. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in October 22, 2013. My mother passed away at the age of 42 from Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer. I was 15 years old when she passed away. I saw her struggle with Cancer while I was growing up and it was devastating when she passed. So you can imagine how I felt when the Dr told me I had Cancer. My first reaction was surprised and scared. Thankfully my Dr was very informative and worked with me to treat this as aggressively as possible. I also tested positive for BRCA. I had surgery on December 11, 2013. They removed both my breast and added tissue expanders. My lypm nodes were tested and were negative for cancer.
I started my first round of chemo January 31, 2014 and had my last chemo of this round April 18, 2014. I start my second round on May 1, 2014. I hope to be finished with this round by June 12, 2014. Then my plastic surgeon will contine with the reconstruction.
I am blessed to have my husband by my side every step of the way. My daughter has been of tremendous support and my grandson keeps me going. I have a huge group of family and friends who are my biggest supporters. God and prayer plays a huge role in my life!

Pat Acosta
El Paso, TX

Pregnant with Cancer at 27

Pregnant with Cancer at 27

In November 2009, I was in my early 3rd trimester with my youngest. It had been weeks since I’ve noticed a bloody discharge from my left breast. I wanted to get it fixed so that I can be ready to breastfeed my baby when she’ll be born in a few months. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of a roller coaster ride that I didn’t want to be in. After some diagnostic tests and the doctors meeting with oncologist, they presented me a plan- 2 rounds of chemo, deliver baby, finish chemo, surgery, etc. Since the cancer cells were the “nasty” type and were very aggressive, prolonging treatment was not recommended. My OB doctor didn’t want to deliver the baby prematurely. I was devastated to find out that my baby would have to get chemo because of me. I asked for a second opinion if the option to deliver baby prematurely was viable. It was a very tough decision to make- keep baby to term while taking in chemo drugs or delivering baby prematurely then start chemo after. We chose the latter. She was born via C-section at about 5 lbs. Then, it was time for my first surgery, a left radical mastectomy with lymph node dissection. After recuperating from surgery, I went back to work part-time. Shortly after, I went back to school to finish my graduate degree. I started radiation therapy in October, 2010. It was over 30 daily treatments. I would work in the morning, radiation therapy at lunchtime, then go to my internship at the mental health center. I also developed inflammation in my left arms (lymphedema). I went to physical therapy treatments in the evenings. Weeks after the treatments, my skin healed but the exhaustion was worse. In December 2012, after the breast surgeon felt another suspicious lump on the right breast (mammogram revealed it was negative), I chose to have another mastectomy and reconstructive surgery for both. Now, I am more strong and active with Isabella, 7, and Lauren, 4, Mom. Every day is a blessing.

Lean Smart
Murrieta, CA

Finding the Light

Finding the Light

At 31 years of age, I never expected to be diagnosed with cancer. I stumbled across the marble like knot in the shower. My gyn and I both assumed cyst. But after 3 weeks when it didn't go away, we decided to scan just for safety. Mammogram led to ultrasound and ultrasound to biopsy. The phone call will ring in my mind forever. The biopsy showed "invasive ductal carcinoma". Immediately we scheduled a lumpectomy during which they found precancerous cells around the tumor and a positive lymph node. Further surgery would be necessary as we'll as chemotherapy. A bilateral mastectomy and 8 chemo treatments later I am no starting the road to a post-cancer life and finding my light again. Breast cancer is no respector of age but then again I am no respector of cancer! Be encouraged if you are on the journey that it can be done!

Trenton, GA

Breast Cancer Stage III at 28 years old

Breast Cancer Stage III at 28 years old

My name is Aline and when I was 28 years old, I had a lump of the size of a grapefruit in my breast, a lump of 8cm. I went to the hospital several times, but nobody took me seriously. I was 28 years old and <<young women don't have breast cancer>>. Mamagraphies were denied. Nobody in my family had it. I was alone. Cancer spread in my lymph nodes. All 14 of them were touched. I had to remove the lymph nodes too.
I was giving less than 15% chance of survival. I was in a experimental, research treatment. I had both of my breasts removed. I had a terrible, destructive, hard chemotherapy that made me so ill, it almost killed me and I had intense radiotherapy that left me with chronic Back and neck pain.
My BRCA genes mutated, therefore, I had to remove my uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. I was not even 30 years old and I so wanted to be a mother, but I could not. Instead I am in menapose, I was already in menaupose at 28 years old. I was told to go buy myself a coffin. I had 12 surgeries. I have no more breast, no more uterus or ovaries. My genes mutated. I will never carry a child. But I am still here and against all odds, I adopted a beautiful little boy is who the light of my life. That is why I tattooed a Phoenix on my back, because I came back to life like this beautiful bird. Never give up, care about yourselves. Don't accept everything the doctors tells you. I was told I will never be 29 years old, I will be 40 years old in May. Continue the fight! Will Love, Aline

Montreal, Canada

Caregiver of Cancer patient gets Breast Cancer

October of 2013 I was taking care of my brother who has a disability, and lives over an hour away, when he got cancer. He needed round the clock care, and while my parents lived near, they were just not able to do this alone, We uprooted our lives, my husband and I. We were taking him to his radiation treatments daily, and chemo weekly. After about four of his nine weeks in, I got a call from my gynocologist who insisted I come back home and get a biopsy as a result of my last mammogram.
November, I did this and I was told what they found was benign, however, another call came and said they didn't get enough I needed to get a surgical biopsy. This resulted in the news, that I myself the one taking care of everyone else, has Breast Cancer. What? All of this during the holidays. No history in my family, of breast cancer. So, back home to get a lumpectomy, invasive ductal carcinoma, the good news, they caught it early, stage one. December, Lumpectomy done, and lymph nodes are clear, but I need 7 weeks radiation, thirty five treatments. Great! But I sure feel lucky, no mastectomy, a few radiation treatments, and a pill for five years. It was a little bit of a rough road, but I did it. So far, I'm cancer free, and my last treatment was April 16, 2014

Shawna Wolf
Vero Beach, FL

Breast cancer

Breast cancer

I was diagnosed with breast cancer, dec 24th 2013 , what a christmas that was, i under went 5 months of chemotherapy then a double masectomy and a month after that operation i was taken back in for a lymph node removal, i started radiotherapy a few weeks after my second operation, six months down the road i'm still recovering as the treatment was very severe, but eventually i'll be able to have a breast operation , its a long while away at the minute as i'm still very sore, but one day i'm going to sit back and look at this as one bad dream, We can get through breast cancer, just don't ignore the symptoms, they dont go away, but with early diagnosis those wonderful people that are out there wiling to help, can make it go away.I had wonderful support from everyone i dealt with and without the likes of the macmillan nurses, my husband and my two children, i don't think i would have got through it, The picture ive added is my first wig as the second session of chemotherapy was when my hair started to fall out.i'm now getting my hair back and it wont be long until i can go for my first haircut.

karen hanson
north yorkshire, United Kingdom

I will beat this.

I will beat this.

My new husband was off work for the month of December, so he was home cooking or we would have a couple beers together when I got off work, and I started to gain a little weight. I noticed around Christmas time that I had a small dimple or pucker close to my nipple on my left breast. My sister & 2 cousins had already been diagnosed with breast cancer in the past 2 years--but I was telling myself, 'you've just gained a few pounds'. I went in January for my new insurance wellness check-up. I wasn't worried since I had just had a screening mammo in September and that came back fine. I was referred to an imaging center for a diagnostic mammo and ultrasound. During the ultrasound, the Doctor told me we need to schedule a core biopsy & we would have the results in 48 hours. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on February 12, 2013 over the telephone by a nurse. I was very upset, very mad and very lost. After seeing a local doctor, I decided I needed a second opinion/alternate treatment options and went to MD Anderson. I was given a formal diagnose on March 5, 2013 of Stage II Invasive Ductal Carcinoma With Lobular Features. I had a lumpectomy on March 28, 2014 and was hoping for the best. I went back on April 9 for my follow-up and was told margins were not clear, so surgery was not complete and I would need a mastectomy. I was also moved to Stage 2B. I have a consultation with reconstruction surgeon tomorrow and am awaiting scheduling of mastectomy.

Nancy Parsons
Midlothian, TX


I was 45 on Nov 27, 2013 when I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. I had lost my job that same month. Breast cancer has a large presence on my mom's side of the family. I was also fresh in love with a man I had met 5 months earlier. I really had no idea which way this journey was going to start or end. I immediately feared the worst, as I did most every step there after.

My boyfriend was amazingly supportive and a rock for me. It was also an amazing distraction to be so deeply in love and happy at the time of my diagnosis. Instead of fear and sadness consuming me, I was able to proceed with a smile on my face most of the time. Of course, there were times when I was alone and feeling sorry for myself that I would have my break downs. There were good and bad days.

As my journey has unfolded, I have felt increasingly lucky. The characteristics of my cancer were all good. It was a small tumor, hadn't spread, and was not aggressive. I chose a bilateral mastectomy. That surgery was on March 18, 2014 at age 46. This was the part that most scared me. I had no idea how or if I was going to be able to handle the loss of my breasts. I wasn't sure how long it would be before I removed the covers off the mirrors and would be able to surface. I told a lot of my friends and family I would see them in 6 months.

Since my surgery, I feel stronger and more empowered than I ever have in my life. I sport this 11 year old chest like a champ. I wear it proud like a warrior might sport battle wounds. Who would of thought? Not me.

I had a nipple and skin sparing mastectomy. I hope to begin the reconstruction process next month. No radiation treatment is necessary and minimal chemo if any. May God bless and thank you.

Safford, AZ

Beating the odds!

My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. The doctors told her we would only have her in our lives for 6 more months. Despite what the doctors said my mom kept fighting and getting her treatments, which she is still getting. My mom beat the odds it's been over a decade and my mom is still here cancer free and beautiful as ever! #nevernevernevergiveup

San Antonio, TX