Finding the Light

At 31 years of age, I never expected to be diagnosed with cancer. I stumbled across the marble like knot in the shower. My gyn and I both assumed cyst. But after 3 weeks when it didn't go away, we decided to scan just for safety. Mammogram led to ultrasound and ultrasound to biopsy. The phone call will ring in my mind forever. The biopsy showed "invasive ductal carcinoma". Immediately we scheduled a lumpectomy during which they found precancerous cells around the tumor and a positive lymph node. Further surgery would be necessary as we'll as chemotherapy. A bilateral mastectomy and 8 chemo treatments later I am no starting the road to a post-cancer life and finding my light again. Breast cancer is no respector of age but then again I am no respector of cancer! Be encouraged if you are on the journey that it can be done!

Trenton, GA