I was just 15 when my husband came to Milwaukee on his first liberty from boot camp. I'd say it was love at first sight and it's a love that has lasted over 47 years. Three years later I graduated high school and we got married a month later (celebrating 44 years this July), then moved to San Diego where he was completing training. About a half year later he was stationed in Alameda. CA on the aircraft carrier the USS Coral Sea (CVA-43). He eventually completed 2 tours of duty during the Vietnam War (9 & 10 months each) and after 7 years his/our Navy days ended. We moved back to Wisconsin (he was from NY) and we were finally blessed with two beautiful daughters, and now enjoy our 3 granddaughters and 1 grandson. Life has been good. We talk about those Navy days - the long, sad separations, but the always wonderful reunions. During his "tours" I was able to fly to both Hawaii and Japan to meet up with the ship and share some memorable time together. It could be a tough and lonely life but one that we will cherish together, forever.
Patti StrappleBrookfield, WI