World War II

My Father joined in the US Navy during World War II when he was just 17 years old. His ship was under attack in the pacific and was hit by a japanese plane which left a hugh whole and it destroyed his ship and had to be towed to Pearl Harbour. He was one of 501 survivors and always said that if he wasnt on break having a cup of coffee down in the kitchen he wouldnt be here today. He never talked much about the war but one Christmas I gave him a US Navy hat and T shirt with his ships name and number. He cried so hard, I never witnessed this before, and then told me he saw his friends being blown up left and right of him and that he was so scared that day. I just held him tight and let him cry. He wore that hat and T shirt proudly from then on and until the day he passed away in December 2000. We buried him with his hat and I have his T shirt. RIP Dad you were always my hero!

Karen De Lucca Monus
Forked River, NJ