wings paid forward

My dad passed three years ago He was part of the last Army Air Corps. He was very proud of the time he served. I would listen and hang on to his every word. When I enlisted,he wasn't at that point the reputation of military women wasn't that great. After doing 14.5 years it was time to hang up my boots.My sons each took a boot and enlisted in the Army. During the wake my sons were in full dress uniform. Being a flight medic, he spoke to the meaning of the' Angel Flag'. He was attached at one point to the 82nd Airborne and had made the jumps needed to get his silver wings. Dad never received his wings from the Army Air Corps; however on his suit coat was his unit designation.My son stopped and stepped back to remove his wings and have them placed on his suit coat as was his Purple Heart ribbon. He nodded to his younger brother who silently moved up and placed his own unit crest under his brothers.Thomas,the older of the two also presented one of 3 flags to my step mother. It was done with all the military ceremony and dignity that was expected.As he presented it to her, he dropped to his knee for the presentation. Even now I still tear up thinking about it all. Dad was so very proud of my sons

maynard, MA