I'm an honorably retired Army veteran of 24 years. While I was serving on Active Duty, I was raped by my 1SG in my barracks room at Ft. Rucker, AL. At the time I was pregnant with my son. The next day I made an appointment with a psychiatric technician friend of mine, and I told her what happened. She had me go out into the waiting room for a few minutes. When she called me back in, she had him sitting there! I was in such a state of shock and abject terror that I couldn't even speak. HE was saying "you've told the right person, blah blah blah" I just needed for either him to leave, or an opportunity to leave. Needless to say, I suffer from PTSD and MST from the incident. I was injured while in the military with arthritis in my ankle, and a middle ear reconstruction on my left ear. I was rated at 30% for my physical injuries, my PTSD and MST were denied due to "lack of new evidence" I received a letter from the VA dated 5 January 2015 that informed me that my rating has been decreased from 30% to 10%. I am at the moment squatting in a friends home, that will soon be repossessed. I have nowhere to go, and I am in dire need of my rating to be increased so that I may be able to get my own home, and avoid being homeless again (I've been homeless 4 times in 3 years) I've been working iwth the regional office in Pittsburgh, and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Any ideas please??
StacyPittsburgh, PA