I just wanted to say, I am not in the military, nor could I ever be..But, my sister and her husband have both served. I am proud to say, they both came home from their respective tours, and I am glad for that! I click because I know that many have not returned unscathed, and I am ashamed of the way this country has been treating it's hero's. It's a shame, and I wish there was a way to change it, and I am glad there is "The Greater Good" to try and make things better for our veterans.
As side note, I noticed a story in this blog regarding Steven Phillips from Killeen, TX whom is unemployed and not able to find work in his field of expertise, as a chef. I wanted to encourage you sir. My brother also works as a chef. However, he does it on the high seas, on cruise charter yachts. The very rich (not so famous) do like to eat. Maybe you could make yourself a useful resume` and do that as your employment. Many affluent people have live-in chefs as well as have them work for them on their boats. My brother works out of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. In Texas, I'm sure there is a harbor where people keep their water craft moored. I wish you luck!
I am proud of our veterans--they have served our country well. God Bless ALL of YOU!
Winnemucca, NV