I was in Vietnam in 1968-1969 as a Marine attached to 1st Bn 1st Marines Charlie Company. We went through hell while we were there and served in Booby Trap Heaven as we called it. We lost so many Marines from booby traps and it made it a challenge to go into the field daily. I was shot at, went through rice patties, through rivers and streams all the time with jungle rot because we could not keep our feet dry. It just does something to you when a buddie is shot beside you or is blown up by a boobie trap.
What really upset me when I came home was I landed at the San Francisco Airport and came off the plane and actually have people spit at me and call me a baby killer. I’ll have you know that I did not kill one baby over there, but it took everything I had from grabbing that person and doing bodily harm to them. I did not like being there either, but my country sent me there away from my family and girlfriend. I had no say so in where I would serve, so that meant you go where they tell you to go. I was there fighting so this sick SOM could spit at us when we came home.
45 years later, my life has changed drastically from the Agent Orange. I have held everything in over time and the PTSD has finally caught up with me. My wife has suffered more than I have from my PTSD, I am getting help for it now.
I want to say thank you to my wife for all her support and thank you for sticking with me for 45 years. If it wasn’t for her, I probably would of taken my life somewhere along the line. Thank you Pam for giving me my life back and being my best friend.
If you know a veteran, give them a hug or a hand shake, when all is said, they most likely need it.
Gene Stewart
USMC 1968-1971 Vietnam Vet 1968-1969
Mt Pleasant, IA