Wayne T. "The Bombdog" Bernhardt

My husband was a Desert Storm vet working overseas as a contractor. (I'm homeless and have lost everything except for one set of clothes. The DOD hasn't been kind to me.)

The following letter went around the world and back in a matter of 3 days. He's known in every country we have contractors.

December 20, 2011 Wayne's Initial Movement

I wanted to provide you with part of an e-mail I received from our personnel in
Afghanistan. It details the initial movement of Wayne from the site he was supporting in
Afghanistan. I wanted you to see the e-mail because it shows the appreciation and
respect that both coworkers and military personnel have for the sacrifices that Wayne
was making in his current position. I’ll rely on you to share with Wayne’s family if you
feel it’s appropriate.
Just to let you know; I just returned from FOB Salerno and met with as many folks as I
could regarding Wayne Bernhardt's death. I met CSM Cave and CSM Moore. They
honored Wayne with a Fallen Soldier ceremony.
Soldiers lined both sides of the C-130 with the casket bearers solemnly marching Wayne
to the aircraft. The soldiers all saluted Wayne as he passed and a prayer was said for
Both CSMs stated that Wayne gave his life for the safety of the soldiers on FOB Salerno
and they were honored to send off a hero.
Every person I spoke with had only positive things to say about Wayne.
He always had a smile and was always willing to do what was necessary to support our
Warfighters. SSG Bazaar said that minutes before Wayne's untimely death he was
downstairs at the ECP joking with the soldiers there. Every soldier at the ECP did their
part in trying to keep Wayne alive. He wasn't just another contractor. Wayne was family
and he will be missed.
Wayne's professionalism, dedication, and selfless service reflect greatly upon EOIR,
ManTech, and the United States Army.
Written by Ken Dempster

Wayne Thomas Bernhardt
May 26, 1967 – December 18, 2011

Dana Bernhardt
Peyton, CO