Dear Veterans,
You don’t know me but I feel as though I know you.
You wear a uniform, and you wear it proud.
I wear a suit to work but not for a battle ground.
You don’t know me but I feel as though I know you.
I don’t know how you do what you do or have done what you’ve done
I know I have great admiration as I can’t imagine your job being any fun.
You don’t have the happy hours,
You don’t have the flowers,
You don’t have the luxury of those nice hot showers.
You don’t know me but I feel as though I know you,
I know you have courage, I know you have the fight
And nothing about what you do should ever be considered light.
You leave behind who knows you best,
You family, your friends, and I am sure your pets.
I would never be in line to wear the boots that stomp or the medals that shine.
Every time I see you in the colors of honor it sends shivers up my spine.
You see, I don’t know you but I do know me.
A person who is humbled and free.
You don’t know me but I feel as though I know you
You have fought for me, a stranger that you may not know,
There are millions of us that you carry in tow.
Thank you is all I can say with all my heart
For wearing the uniform and doing your part.
I honor you on this day, and for fighting for the red, white and blue…
You see, You don’t know me but I feel as though I know you.
Ashburn, VA