Veteran's Day Heroes

As a veteran, I am very proud of our young men and women in the Armed Forces of the United States especially families like my daughter's, whose husband is a combat medic with the 101st Airbourne. Not only does he, and all service personnel, put everything on the line so that we can live free but all of their children, spouses, and families do also. It is important that we teach our children that these are the people we should be proud of. These are our heroes.


Pack banners and buntings.
Tri-fold the "good" flag until next year
As we ponder soldiers honored in the parade.
Have you seen them?
All proud in their uniforms,
Young men and women walking tall.
Venerated Veterans humbled by the masses.
What do you suppose they see in our eyes?
They see the freedom that they fought so valiantly for,
I see America in them.
I see men and women
Who risked everything dear to them.
Because of them this land is free,
Without oppression or segregation,
Nor bound by the ties of race,
Religion, color, sex, or origin.
And I say, thank-you to every soldier
That passes in a parade, the supermarket,
And on the streets
We thank you for your service, dedication, sacrifice,
And for giving us a sense of pride in our country.
Ever aware that you were gone, we prayed for you.
And you came home, all heroes in our eyes.
We shared tears for your lost comrades.
Gone but never forgotten.
Our children see that they can be proud
To be Americans, just like you.
'All the way USA'
And thanks for the chance to shake your hand.
It is our honor.

Diane L. Wicknick
Franklin, MA