Vero Pooch taught to dial 9-1-1

They say a dog is man's best friend, there's a dog in Vero Beach, FL who's living proof.

Pia Pia packs a powerful punch. She senses her owner's moods, can contact ER responders if he's in danger. The service dog is a family member & a diligent worker.

"Get help!" J. Taylor shouted to his 11-lb pug, who ran to a phone on the floor & pressed paws onto the circular button, the press of that button, service dog Pia Pia dialed 911. A huge comfort for the retired Army soldier, who suffers from PTSD & hearing loss. Pia Pia is his 'saving grace.'

"Without her, I couldn't imagine my life. I'd probably be home-bound cause what I suffer. I know if I have any kind of problems, she's there," said Taylor.

When the Vero Beach resident is in a crowd, he may feel panic. Pia Pia buffers & is his companion.

"If I'm out, like in Walmart, I give her a command, & she'll circle around me to keep the people a few feet away from me," Taylor said.

To help with Taylor's hearing loss: "If someone is at the door, she'll find me and tap me, & I follow her," Taylor explained.

If the fire alarm goes off, she'll turn in circles. If he's having a nightmare,she'll lick his face to wake him.

Taylor rescued Pia Pia from Halo Rescue in Sebastian. The Vero Beach-organization "Dogs for Life" taught him how to train her. "She learns something every day, that's what DFL (raising money to build a service dog training facility in Vero Beach, for veterans) has taught us" said Taylor. It's a life he's glad to have with a friend and ally.

Pia Pia has her own room and her own wardrobe of 34 tailored outfits.

Dawn Taylor
Vero Beach, FL