After spending 2 years in the Infantry at Ft Wainwright Alaska I got to my duty station at Ft Lewis.
When reporting for duty the First Sergeant asked me if I was short. I said yes and figured that they were going to give me a bad time before I got out in 1977.
Instead, I got sent to Huckleberry Creek Mountain Training Camp right in Mt. Rainier National Park and became in instructor.
I taught skiing to the troops in the winter and mountaineering in the summer as I wound up my tour of duty.
Truly the best job in the United States Army !!!
I look back on that time as one of the best times of my life. I feel very fortunate to have done it and I am filled with good memories of the place. The people I served there with were a great bunch of men and women. We drank beer talked trash and did everything that GI's do when they are performing their missions.
It was a blast and has served me well throughout the rest of my life.
Bacliff, TX