I come from a long line of service men in my family. Both my grandfathers fought in WW1. My father served in Merchant Marines in WW2, Also have 3 Uncles who fought in WW2. My brother was also in the service,and cousins who served in military. But there was 1 person in my family that we never got the pleasure of meeting & thank him for his service. That was our Uncle Junior,our dad's brother who was killed in Iwo Jima. So I say to you Uncle Junior & to all service men & women who sacrificed who sacrificed the alltimate price 'Thank you for your service.' Thank you to all men & women serving today for your service to keep us free. They also sacrifice allot ,not being able to be with their loved ones. Thank you to the families who stand by them. They too sacrifice allot also.
Beverly NoelArcadia, OH