This is a poem that I wrote. I am not a vet but I have the greatest respect for our armed forces, past and present.
The Veteran
Every year in November,
On the 11th day,
Our Nation lowers its head to remember,
The ones that had to pay.
The ones that guarded our country,
From enemies without and within,
Standing ever sentry,
From Boston to Berlin.
Many never returned,
From those foreign shores,
But all of them have earned,
The title "Veterans of Foreign Wars".
Many that did come home,
Were never the same as before,
They went to fight and roam,
Upon those foreign shores.
We must honor and cherish them,
Because for us they gave their all,
And for those that would condemn,
We must take them to The Wall.
Remind them that these few,
Sacrificed for us all,
For they are the glue,
That helped this country stand tall.
If we ever feel that we need more,
To convince us they gave their all,
Visit a VA Hospital and walk through the door,
"The Price of Freedom Can Be Found Within These Walls!"
©2015 William M. Ward
Tannersville, VA