The Day My Daddy Came Home!

My Daddy left for service on 4/4/44. I was 5 years old going to Kindergarten at Bloomsburg State Teachers College. My sister Donna was 2-1/2 and my Mother was expecting my oldest brother, Chic, who was born on 7/2/1944. I remember my Daddy coming down the stairs and kissing us all goodbye. He left that morning to serve his country in the U.S. Army. He went to Ft. McClellan AL for basic training and then shipped out from Ft. Mead, MD in August of 1944. Christmas 1944 was a very, very lonely time for all of us. My grandparents came which helped a lot. Sometime in early Spring 1945 Mother received word that my Daddy had been hospitalized and would be coming to the states and discharged. I remember a warm summer day in June 1945, sitting on our big front porch. A shiny black car pulled up in front of our home. It was Joe Ent who lived over town. His passenger was my Daddy! He got out and ran to the porch to give us all many hugs and kisses. My family was one lucky family! God certainly had His hand in all of this because we later learned my Dad was in the thick of things in France and lived to tell about it. Not much, just snippets. My Daddy was home and we had him until he passed away on January 30, 1990. Dad, we love you and miss you. You truly blessed the lives of your children and family.

LuAnn Dent Everitt
Lightstreet, PA