Thank you

I read the story about the veteran returning home to no thanks. I've read numerous others with happier endings. I'm sure despite the current trend of applause, there are some who arrive to empty airports, to empty bus stations, to empty houses or apartments.
Know that even in your solitude, there are people who pray for you, who cheer you on from a distance, and who feel a surge of pride each time they see a flag flown.
I'm one of those people.

To all who are serving, or who have served, no matter what your service entailed, or which era:

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You. Men and women like yourselves who sacrifice what we all take for granted are the reason this country is so amazing. I could never do what you do. I couldn't leave somewhere, or someone I love without knowing if I would ever see them again.

And specifically this message goes out to the veteran of Vietnam who was treated so poorly, in his story titled "No respect":

I appreciate you. I thank you, and I hope that time helps you to realize that despite what you went through, there are others who have another opinion: that you're a hero.