Psychologists report that among our worst FEARS is 'Speaking in Public'. In the Oscar Winning Script of 'The King's Speech', the English KING envied HITLER'S ability to inspire millions to battle while the King could Not read a Christmas message to his own Subjects. He soon LEARNED to SPEAK forcefully, challenging his Nazi Enemy!
In high school in the Bronx in 1955, I found excuses to avoid speaking in class or even to the Boy Scouts. Instead of wasting my youth, I joined the Navy. Soon I was in Jacksonville, learning a trade: Aircraft Electrician. My newly acquired Education was my ticket to success! Attached to a Squadron of 'Banshee' Jet Fighters for three years, I accumulated responsibilities on the Flight Line, knowing the lives of Pilots and Crews depended on my abilities. Eventually, I earned the Rank of AE2. Among my duties was 'Speaking in Public' to my Shipmates and Officers. Maturity and self confidence, made me more articulate and my new technical skills gave me emotional strength.
Bronx home visits produced admiration from family and friends alike. "This is NOT the same Dennis that joined the Navy a few years ago", they would remark. They were Right too! Upon discharge in 1959, I quickly landed an Airline Job in freezing New York City. The cold winters did Not suit my nature and so I moved to Los Angeles, eventually working as a GM Electrician on Automatic Robots. I especially enjoyed studying, working and Speaking Up for our Union, the UAW. I then Hosted 65 TV programs. Now a Hollywood Screenwriter and retired at 72, 'Speaking' suits me perfectly. Check my Photo and the 65 UAW tapes of Programs I Wrote, Produced and Hosted, even 'Speaking' my own words. Well done, Sailor!