I am Proud of ALL American Service men and women, who diligently and -
bravely, put their precious lives on the line for either our country, or another
country, that needed our help to restore government and peace.My father-
"Jimmy Dean Pruitt" went into the Army in April of 1964 at age 16, and by-
December 1965, he landed in Vietnam. His unit he was assigned to was-
" B Battery, 2nd Battalion 20Th Artillery {1st Cav-airmobile}. I learned that
his duties ranged from "Doorgunner", Ammo Handler, Petro Spec, you name
it he did it!. His particular unit was a "Helicopter" unit, and was a "new" form
of weaponry, "Aerial Artillery", Huey helicopters UH1-B {C} AND D models-
heavily equipped with armament. 25 years later, ultimately he would commit
suicide, a direct result of PTSD and alcoholism. Later i would learn, he was on medication from the VA, but the only counseling i was aware of, was the -
"Alcoholics Anonymous" meetings, as a teen, i was apart of his recovery &
would attend those with him. War isnt pretty, and i know its hard on our-
servicemen and women, but to all Veterans who may be reading this, Please
Please, get help if your in a bad place with your head. When my dad died-
that day, i was the one who discovered his body, and will always be etched -
in my mind forever. Consider your children, your family, how it will affect them, us, your loved ones. I thank you all for serving our country, or assisting
another country to fight for peace. My message is, get help, we need you-
around to continue on being a Father, Mom, Brother, Sister and more -
importantly, a Soldier, Marine, Airman, Seaman of the US Armed Forces!! -
vannuys, CA