My brother served 15months in Iraq from 2007 to 2008. His body came home from the war, but I am not sure his mind ever left it. He did marry, adopted two children and welcomed another in 2009. However PTSD took over his life, and he lost the battle Feb 6, 2012. There was a struggle, and the gun went off, killing him almost instantly. I feel we need to get more involved in evaluating the men and women returning from war. He struggled finding work, which I couldn't possibly understand. A man who knew what HARD work was, a man who picked up task easily, who strived to always go beyond the expected. He battled night terrors, and all the guilt associated with coming home after so many of his buddies did not. I am so thankfully he was able to come home, my regret is that our country failed one of their finest, they failed to help him in his time of need. I love you dear brother, and miss you greatly. I have vowed to spread the word about PTSD! Please seek help if you are struggling or know someone struggling. God Bless our troops.
Elaine BarberOgden, IL