Last November, shortly after Thanksgiving, my 11 year daughter went with me to see her Dad and his unit leave for Fort Hood - later to be deployed to the Gulf. She waited patiently during the farewell ceremony, clingy to him at every opportunity. He gave her one of his hats to wear and she finally smiled. The day was somber and the temporary good-bye was upcoming. The families watched them load the Blackhawks and gave a final hug. After this, we would pray Skype and Majic Jack would work to keep us united as a family. We went to the flight line and someone handed her a flag. I was standing behind her and took this picture. There were MANY tears from my child this day. She misses him terribly. His safety is always in the back of our minds. We focus on the positive. We focus on the day he will be back home. During this year, as a family...I can assure everyone that it is very true, "freedom is not free". Thank you to all our brothers and sisters (and families) fighting this fight.
Tracy UsseryAtlanta, GA