My husband served in the Navy for 11 and 1/2 years, had served in tours in Japan,Kuwait,and Afghanistan, so he has seen all kinds of action, but he didn't expect to be injured here at home after a night out with a friend. He was struck by a car in December of 2012 while crossing the street. He had sustained multiple injuries to his arms and legs, had a brain injury,and spent the next 5 months in the hospital and nursing home for rehabilitation. He has just recently been able to return to work but he is limited on what he is able to do,but he will never be able to be in the Navy again due to the weight bearing restrictions he has, he walks with a limp and a very swollen leg. We have learned to adapt to our lifestyle after only being married for 5 years, we have lived our vows each and every day.
Erin MusgroveLowellville, OH