I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 27 years ago this September she was my first born and I couldn't have been more proud at that moment, She was everything a mother could ask for, A beautiful healthy baby girl with lots of dark hair and BIG beautiful blue eyes. It's instant the LOVE a mother feels for her child the second they hand them to you. You just want to do everything right and hope you don't do anything wrong, you raise them to the best of your ability in hopes that they will continue to make you proud.
I will never forget the day she told me she joined the Army, I was in shock I was scared and I couldn't believe that my beautiful baby girl was now an amazing young woman who wanted to support her country, "I am so proud"
Then she tells me she is being deployed over seas serving for one year, I was so scared and worried and sad and didn't wan't to be away from my baby girl for a whole year that was a long time, I shed a lot of tears and prayed for GOD to take care of her for me and bring her home safe I'm happy to say she came home right before the Holidays. "THANK YOU GOD"
Once again she made me so proud, as she was promoted while over seas and now she is Sergeant Melissa Wittneben. I just wan't her and all of her comrades to know that I am so proud of each and everyone of them and they will always be HERO'S to me and my family.
a personal THANKS to each and every soldier that has and is serving
De Soto, MO