I was a US Army dog handler with the 1st CAV, in Bien Hoa, RVN 1972. Occasionally we would run a demo for visiting VIPs. I had the "Wow the brass" duty one day with Prince and we ran through the training/demo trail flawlessly finding pits, traps, trips and snipers along the way in front of a group of brass, politicians and the press. Afterwards we were standing at the review stand answering questions for the visitors when one fellow asked me if I enjoyed my job. I answered in the affirmative, and he then asked if I thought the dog enjoyed it too.
I said, "I'm not sure sir. Let me ask him".
I turned to Prince and said "Prince, which would you rather be, a Lifer or a dead dog?" Of course he immediately lay down and played dead. Our efforts brought on a standing ovation.
The next morning we woke to find 10 cases of Budweiser stacked in our day room with a note attached saying, "That was the most entertained I've been since coming in-country. Thanks and have a cold one on me". It was signed A. Haig, Major General, USA.